What A Parent-teen Relation Should Look Like?

By Priyanka Chaturvedi|2 - 3 mins read| November 01, 2023

Do you know one thing that is harder than rocket science? Controlling teen kids. If you are a parent who is fed up with teen tantrums and wants to try your best to improve your relationship with your kid, this blog will be your mantra. 

The secret is not controlling them but rendering the correct amount of independence. And soon will see the crazy teenagers turn into responsible adults. Let us dive in and learn more about how you can establish a good parent-teen relationship. 

Letting Go 

As your kids tiptoe to their teenage years, you will realize that they want to do things alone and will demand space. Do not get disheartened thinking you have become less important to them. Life is a journey, and there are a lot of new feelings that teenagers are dealing with for the first time. Space and distance are a way to understand themselves better. 

If you have a habit of taking care of your kids or making decisions on behalf of them regarding their finds, food, clothes, studies, etc., it is high time that you stop doing it. Teens are now trying to take control of their life, you trying to control them might lead to conflict and hatred in the family. 

Learn To Adapt To The Change

The changes you see in your kids are not teenage problems, it is normal. The sooner you learn to accept the changes in them, the better will be your relationship with your kids. This is the age the children begin to discover their inner and out selves. 

Your kids are also going through a lot of changes, and the behavior you notice is a way they are trying to cope with the changes. As a parent, you must be patient. Do not force yourself on them, rather be a silent guide to them. 

It Is Your Dream, Not Their 

If you have decided on a career, college, or certain choices for your kids and they are not willing to go with your decision, it is fine. You have to understand, they are individuals and not your shadow. 

Learn to accept the negative answers you are receiving from your teens. If you notice they are making a wrong decision, take your time and make them understand. Rebelling will drive them away from you. 

It is part of the growth

The way your kids got further from you when they started running similarly, they are taking their steps towards adulthood and learning to be independent. They are not running away from you but ahead in their lives. 

If you will not grow with your teens, you might get stagnant while your kids will have to make all their decisions alone. Instead of giving them a tough time, grow with them. As a parent, you might miss your little prince or princess, but it is you who should be with them to see them in their full glory as they forge toward adulthood. 

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