Scary Dad Jokes Your Kids Will Actually Find Funny

By Samrat Saxena|1 - 2 mins read| June 19, 2024

Dad jokes are every father’s staple—what if a twist of spookiness is added to them? The outcome is some scary dad jokes that are truly hilarious and get some eerie expressions from kids. The blending of groaning humor with a straight face is perfect for a scare yet a good laugh. 

Read below this interesting article to explore some of the best scary-day jokes that will tickle your kid’s funny bones.

Best Scary and Silly Dad Jokes For Kids

  1. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? 

Because they don’t have guts.

  1. Why did the vampire read the newspaper? 

Newspapers have a great circulation.

  1. Why did the ghost go to the party? 

He heard it was going to be a ‘boo’ last.

  1. What is a vampire’s favorite dessert? 


  1. Who does a ghost’s soul love? 

Ghoul friend.

  1. Where does Dracula save his money? 

Blood bank!

  1. Why don’t mummies take vacations? 

They fear they will relax and unwind.

  1. What is a witch’s garage? 

A broom closet

  1. What did the skeleton order at his favorite restaurant?

Spare ribs

  1. How do ghosts enjoy their eggs?


  1. Why are graveyards noisy? 

Due to so many coffins

  1. What is a witch’s favorite topic in school? 


  1. Why did the ghost party alone? 

No one wanted to go with him.

  1. What did Ghost have for dinner


  1. How can you make a skeleton laugh? 

Tickle his funny bone.

  1. Which horse does a ghost ride at night?

A nightmare

  1. Why did the mummy go to the doctor? 

He felt rotten.

  1. Why don’t vampires have any reflections? 

They can see themselves doing something wrong.

  1. Do mummies tell their secrets? 

No, they keep them under wraps.

  1. What’s a ghost’s favorite room in the house? 

A living room.

These scary dad jokes are the ultimate way to give a lighthearted twist to every moment while making sure the kids get the puns and wordplay. Just make sure you keep a straight face when delivering the joke and give a pause before actually speaking out the punchline. A little laugh, a little drama, and some silly jokes are something that can never go wrong.

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