Say No to These Foods for a Healthy Pregnancy

By Nikitha Patel|3 - 4 mins read| October 04, 2024

Pregnancy is that time that comes with several dietary considerations. Though you need to opt for lots of nutrient-rich foods, certain food items may be harmful for your pregnancy. According to the CDC, foodborne illnesses cause about 48 million illnesses in the U.S. each year, and pregnant women are more vulnerable to foodborne diseases due to weakened immune systems.

During pregnancy, a mother’s immune system naturally weakens, making her more susceptible to infections. According to several studies, it was noticed that pregnant women are 10 times more likely to contract Listeria, a dangerous bacterium found in contaminated foods. Moreover, certain foods may increase the risk of mercury exposure, toxoplasmosis, or other infections.

Therefore, it is important to know which foods to avoid that can significantly reduce risks and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey for both the baby and the mother.

7 Things to Say No To During Pregnancy

Here is a list of food items that you must strictly say no to during pregnancy to ensure a healthy journey for your baby and yourself.

Raw and undercooked seafood

Raw fish, particularly shellfish, such as oysters, clams, and sushi, carry the risk of bacterial infections like Listeria and Salmonella. According to the FDA, pregnant women should avoid raw seafood due to the risk of food poisoning, which can result in dehydration and can cause premature labor in severe cases. Instead, go for cooked fish, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids. 

High Mercury Fish

Though fish is considered a healthy food for pregnancy because it contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids, some varieties contain high levels of mercury, which can harm your baby’s nervous system. These varieties of fish include swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, which must be strictly avoided during pregnancy. Low-mercury options like salmon, trout, and sardines are the beneficial alternatives.

Unpasteurized dairy products

Unpasteurized dairy products can be a source of Listeria, which may result in serious infections. Therefore, it is important to check labels to ensure the dairy products you are consuming are pasteurized. Hard cheeses like cheddar or pasteurized milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese provide calcium without the risk of infection.

Raw Eggs

Raw or partially cooked eggs can result in a Salmonella infection. Foods like homemade mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, or Caesar salad dressing must also be avoided as they contain raw eggs.


No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy as it can cause several lifelong physical, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Therefore, it is advised to ensure complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy. Instead, opt for non-alcoholic beverages, sparkling water, or fresh juices.

Unwashed fruits and veggies

During pregnancy, fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet. However, they can be contaminated with harmful bacteria like Toxoplasma or E. coli if not washed thoroughly. According to the CDC, toxoplasmosis can lead to serious complications, including vision and brain damage in your baby. Therefore, ensure that all fruits and vegetables are properly washed under running water before consumption.


Caffeine consumption less than 200 mg per day is generally considered safe. However, excessive caffeine intake has been associated with miscarriage and low birth weight. Herbal 

Teas, decaffeinated coffee, or warm milk are better alternatives. 


Maintaining a nutrient-rich diet is not just restricted to the intake but also avoiding foods that may be harmful for you and your baby’s health. In the above guide, you can find the complete list of foods that you must abstain yourself from adding to your plate. If you have other dietary concerns, it is best to consult your pediatrician.

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

Written by Nikitha Patel

Last Updated: Fri Oct 04 2024

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