How to Choose the Perfect Summer Camp or Summer Activities for Your Kids?

By TheParentZ Expert|6 - 7 mins read| March 13, 2023

Summer is Coming! and so is the Summer Vacations for your kids. Parents must be brainstorming how to keep their wards busy and involved during the coming summer vacations. There are several ways through which you can keep your child occupied during summer vacations. Keeping the kids busy and involved is extermly important for kids as its helps in their development of new skills and friends. Keeping children busy during vacations is extremely important when both parents are working. Today most families with working parents depend on a Nannies or aayas to manage their work and kids. Rather than leaving your kids with them you can choose the right summer camp or summer activities for your kids which will not only help him or her in acquiring new skills but will also help in their personality development. Being a Parent myself, I know how difficult it is to choose the right summer camp or activities for kids. Parents navigates many camp types with various subjects or agendas and fees which makes them even more confused. Here are some tips that will make the process of choosing the Perfect Summer Camp or Summer Activities for your kids a little easier.

Now’s the time to start looking for the perfect summer camp. Many camps are already filling up, and some of the most popular may already be at capacity. Summer camp varies from day camps or simply called as summer activities, sleep-away summer camp or month-long summer camps. So to help them stay busy, you have plenty of options.

Start with Their Interests and See What’s Available

Decide together – Know about your Kids Interests

Choosing Summer Camp is not just deciding your budget and convenience. Summer Camp is a learning experience, a form of vacation, or a mix of both.

  • Before you choose a Summer Camp, discuss with your kid and know about your child’s preferences.
  • Ask them whether he or she would like to go to a day or overnight camp.
  • Find out more about the likes and dislikes of your child.
  • Discuss with your kids about special interests that your child wants to explore
  • Know about your and your child’s expectations of the camp – fun and entertainment, learning new skills, making friends etc.

Write down your goals and keep them in mind when planning camp activities. Try to avoid forcing your child to take-up hobby classes or camp if your child is not interested.

Make a List of Summer Camp

Choosing a perfect summer camp program for your child involves some important research. Today, we have a number of summer camps such as hobby classes, Adventure Camp, Camp for awareness of nature and outdoor, learning new skills, arts and craft classes, cooking classes, computer courses etc. Check size of a camp, list of activities, whether day or overnight camp, Age of Kids, how close to home is the camp, cost of camp and discounts offered, opportunity to learn new skill, objective of camp etc. Make the list of service providers or Summer Camp organizers available in your city or neighborhood.

Dig In to the Camp’s Details

Ask Questions

Before you choose a summer camp ensure that the camp is safe, experienced and the camp will provide your kid an opportunity to learn new skills along with entertainment. You can ask questions to director of camp or counselors to clear your doubts. Ask questions such as how long it’s been operating, what licenses it has, How does the camp recruit staff, ratio of counselors to campers, Do counselors receive first-aid/CPR training, who will be driving kids on field trips, Duration of Camp, whether day camp or overnight camp etc. Ask about safety measures adopted, any previous accidents in camp etc. You can also ask referral of previous campers and schools attended summer camp last year. Familiarize yourself with any camp regulations regarding food and money.

Safety and emergency plans

The camp organizer must have provisions and medically trained staff to handle emergency or incase something goes wrong. You can ask for checklist or list of items you need to provide when your kid or children attending the summer camp. Find out what the camp’s rules and medical staff work at the camp.

Ratio of staff members:

Check that the staff-to-child ratio is appropriate for different age groups. It is recommended to have One staff member for every five campers ages 4 and 5,every six campers ages 6 to 8, every eight campers ages 9 to 14, every 10 campers ages 15 to 17 respectively.

Ask for Discounts and Session Deals

Don’t Forget Local Non-Profits, Schools and Sports Complex

Most schools in India organize day Summer camps or activities. Generally, its reserved for for their own students but many schools do allow kids from outside. Generally you have to make arrangements for droping & pick up the child from School which is generally painful & can spoil all your plans for summer camp. Its better to discuss with other people in your area or apartment, if there are several kids you can talk to the cab provide or even to the school & they may run a cab for you. This is also the reason its recommnded to choose summer camp near to your home unless you have someone at home to drop and pick them up or their are old enough to travel alone.

Other Tips for Choosing Perfect Summer Camp or Activities

My advise, just consider this as a pass time activity with some byproduct of learning new skills. But generally it is for fun & keeping kids busy than watching TV all through the day or playing video games. If you keep too many expectations then you will feel the frustation.

Summer Camp is not just camp that makes kids busy when parents are busy in their work. Summer camp allows kids to feel a sense of independence, builds self-esteem, try new things and provides your kids an opportunity to learn on nature and the outdoors. Therefore choosing a summer camp plays vital role. Following are some useful tips for choosing right summer camp.

» Choose One: Once you discussed and noted your kid’s likes and dislikes, shortlist 3 to 5 Summer Camp in your city or neighborhood that you feel best for this summer vacation. Eliminate one by one discussing with your kid and family members. Last you will have two or three summer camp which you can visit and talk to director or organizers of camp. Choose one summer camp that you feel your kid will enjoy and keep your kid busy this summer vacation.
When selecting a camp ask other parents, relatives or neighbor for recommendations. This can help you select a camp. Pick a camp according to your child’s interests. Taking a best friend along can be more than double the fun. Consider arranging for a first-time camper to attend with a close friend or relative. Tell your child about the activities offered and share brochures that you may have about the camp. Most summer camps provide supply lists. Pack according to what is listed.

You have another month to go before vacations start but it makes sense to start think about your options.

So kids get ready to enjoy your summer holidays this year at the Perfect Summer Camp or activities decidely jointly by you and your parents!

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