How Food Can Affect Your Kid’s Mood

By Amelia Peres|3 - 4 mins read| February 29, 2024

Many think that food has no connection with your kid’s behavior but that’s not entirely true. Food and behavior are interlinked, Child Behaviour and Diet is a big topic of discussion these days. Parents are quite concerned about what their child eats and what foods affect children’s behaviour.

Parents are very well aware that how difficult it is to handle a child when he is in bad mood. But have we ever thought that what your child eats can also be a cause? This world lures your child to eat unhealthy food because it is mouth watering and looks good. These culprits are the major cause for your child’s bad health and mood swings.

Let’s talk about some foods which can contribute to your child’s bad behavior or mood swings.

Sugar – Negate Effects on Kid’s Mood

Kids likes to eat candies, chocolates and other sugary stuffs a lot. A survey reveals that Indian children are consuming three times more sugar than what is good for them. We know that access sugar can cause diabetics but what about mood?

We often see child becoming hyperactive after eating sugary stuffs but it doesn’t last for long. It can lead to irritability, depression, sleep problem, cognitive delay and anxiety. High sugary food can also affect child’s brain development. Study shows that keeping a child on low sugar diet will increase his attention span and memory and also improve his mood. Access sugar and artificial sweetener can also lead your child to obesity.

Try encouraging your child to switch to natural sweetener like raw honey and coconut sugar.

Dairy products and its affect on Mood

Have you ever heard of lactose intolerance? This is a type of allergy to the proteins found in milk and milk products. Kids, who are lactose intolerance, tend to become cranky, short-tempered or aggressive. They are also prone to get frequent cold and ear infection. Studies show, a child with autism can show worse symptoms if he consumes more dairy products.

Milk or dairy products are not the only source of calcium. You can help your child to get enough calcium by giving him finger millet, sardines and canned salmon, broccoli, almonds, figs etc.

Artificial coloring and its impact on Kid’s Mood

You may find artificial coloring in many candies, cereals and other food stuff which are popular among kids. Artificial colors are also used in syrups, oatmeal to achieve their look and taste. Studies have pointed that these foodstuffs are the major cause of ADHD, headaches, anxiety and hyperactivity in kids.

You can use saffron or freeze dried berries instead to give natural colors to home baked cake or cookies. They contain vitamins and other important nutrients. Turmeric is the one which can be found in every Indian’s kitchen. It has a lot of medicinal properties. It is used to cure digestive issues and even depression.

Fast food

Fast foods have become today’s fashion. You can find stalls selling fast food in each and every corner of the street. Not only kids, we adults are also getting addicted to it. But now, it’s time to think that what bad these foods do to you and your kid’s health?

Regular eaters of fast food lack many key nutrients thus increase in sleep disturbance, depression and poor digestion is experienced. It can also cause constipation which can make your kid irritable. They tend to get addicted to high calorie diet. You can replace fast food with home-cooked delicious meal. Children can get sufficient antioxidants from fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you sense mood swings in your child, try checking on the food stuffs he is eating on a daily basis. Keep a track and try to eliminate suspicious food. It’s not necessary that all the behavioral changes are caused by food but keeping a track will help your child not to fall into something which can be easily cured.

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