Holiday Gift Pressure: Are Parents Spending Too Much?

By Samridhi Rohatgi|3 - 4 mins read| November 06, 2024

The holiday season, often considered the most wonderful time of the year, is certainly the most financially straining time too for parents. As the holidays start to set in, the unsaid pressure builds in. From store windows to online ads and commercials, everything reminds parents that their kids deserve the best gift. But what is the price that parents pay for these cherishing memories? Is holiday pressure really pushing people into spending beyond their means?

In today’s digital world, where social media flaunts pictures of extravagant gifts, the pressure is seemingly greater than ever. Read below this article to figure out whether the holiday season is really about the gifts or is there something more to bring the joy. 

The Holiday Spending Craze

According to recent surveys, parents in the U.S. are expected to spend an average of over $500 per child during the holiday season. And some going even beyond $1000. Similar trends have been reported across the world, with an average of over $500 per child during the holiday season. The surprising part is—that’s hundreds of dollars spent in just a few weeks.

However, the downside is, as per a survey, over 50 percent of parents feel pressured to spend more on gifts to keep up with others, including friends, family, and neighbors. These statistics hint at the harsh truth—the gifts are not just for the kids but for everyone else’s eyes. And this pressure is indeed compounded by social media, where videos and photos of picture-perfect holidays feature a mountain of gifts.

The Emotional Aspect of Over-Spending

While splurging at gitfs may seem normal at once, it certainly takes an emotional toll on parents. Did you know that nearly 60 percent of parents experience post-holiday regret due to overspending? The holiday guilt is real!

This is because when parents feel the pressure to spend beyond their means, chances are they might experience great levels of stress, which may impact the quality time spent together with the family. The ironical fact is—overgiving can sometimes result in holiday exhaustion instead of joy. Furthermore, the unbelievable thing is that kids do not necessarily equate the number of gifts with the amount of happiness they feel. Who knows, a thoughtful gift may work the same way.

Time To Redefine The True Meaning of Holiday Fun

Perhaps the question here isn't how much you are spending, but how can you actually shift the focus from ‘holiday stuff’ back to its real meaning? Here are a few ways to redefine the true meaning of holiday fun.

Memories Must Be A Priority, Not The Gift

The truth is—experience is above and above every gift. From a holiday outing to a day spent creating handmade decorations together, in the end this is what can leave an impression on your kids.

Stick To A Budget

It is important to set a specific budget when it comes to gifting something special to your child to bring in the smile. In this process, it is essential to teach them the value of money and extravagant spending.

Social Media Mindfulness

With social media reveals on every platform, it is quite common to feel the pressure of experiencing a picture-perfect holiday. The best approach is to limit the use of social media.

Gratitude Is The Basic

The most valuable gift for kids is giving them good qualities. Gratitude is one among them. So instead of focusing merely on receiving the gifts, encourage kids to think about giving and putting efforts in.


The urge to make the holiday season loaded with enthusiasm is real. However, amidst the joy to connect and make lasting memories, it's not uncommon to forget the real meaning beyond just the gifts. This holiday season, remind yourself and your kids that holiday joy is beyond materialism and parents can actually create a long-lasting experience within a budget too.

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