Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for your School Going Kids

By Priyanka A|2 - 3 mins read| February 19, 2025

With schools no more being just about studies but also about various other extracurricular activities that aim for overall development of a child, it becomes important for parents to realise the best combination of food for their kid. Children today spends more than half of their time in schools which mean, lunchbox are the only medium to provide the kids with food that is not only nutritionally rich but also pleasing to their taste buds. Read for easy to pack Healthy lunchbox ideas for kids. Soon we will share more Lunch Box Recipes – Kids Lunch Box Recipe Ideas. You can also read Healthy Breakfast your kids will love.

Yes! The food should appeal to their taste buds because if it doesn’t, it wouldn’t take much time for them to switch to their friend’s lunchbox which is a lot less in nutrition but very appealing in taste. Children are choosy. They want what they want and more often than not it depends on what their friends get in their lunchboxes. Working parents who due to lack of time end up accepting their child’s wishes just to keep their stomach full but end up sacrificing on nutrients.

Packing lunch for kids every day is challenging for the moms. This article is for every parent looking to provide their kid with the best nutritional lunchbox. A combination of tasty yet nutritional food is the most difficult, at the same time the most simple thing to do.

Here’s the list of Healthy lunchbox ideas for your school going kids,


They need not be unhealthy. Homemade patty with vegetable filling and whole wheat buns is a perfect way to make your child look forward to lunch breaks. They are delicious and cool at the same time making the kids let go of their friend’s lunchboxes and concentrate on theirs.

Mini vegetable cutlets:

Children practically disdain vegetables and to make them have it is a big task in itself. One of the ways to make your child have vegetables is to camouflage its appearance. Mini vegetable cutlets will do just that.

Oats pancakes with veggies:

Oats is one of the most nutritional dish that you can serve to kid. Oats helps in the growth and development of child and is a good source of energy. Pack oats pancakes with ketchup for your kid next day and witness happiness shining in their bright eyes.

Whole wheat homemade pizza

Pizza in lunch box! That’s the dream of almost every kid growing up. It’s time to make your kid’s wish true but in a healthy way. Prepare the pizza base at home, add vegetable toppings and some cheese, microwave it, and you are good to go.

Chapatti wraps

They are just like any other chapatti roll but the difference is that they are wrapped differently. Yes, that’s it! Give your chapatti a modern touch by wrapping it V shaped and wait to look how excited your child becomes.

Vegetable Biryani Rice or Noodles

Easy and Healthy Vegetable Rice or Noodles can be a great lunchbox option for your kids.

Try some of the above lunchbox ideas to pamper your child with nutrition.

Tell us about your Luncbox Ideas using the Comments below!

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