Okay, let's get real for a second. We've all been there - scrolling through social media, hanging out with friends, or just vibing in our group chats when suddenly, a seemingly innocent word drops that can totally mess with someone's self-esteem. Yep, we're talking about those slang terms that might seem harmless but can actually be super hurtful when it comes to body image.
In this blog, let's break down eight slang terms that might seem like no big deal, but can seriously impact how people feel about their bodies. And trust us, it's not just about one body type - these words can mess with ANYONE.
#1. Thick
What people think it means: A compliment about having curves in the right places.
What it can actually do:
It creates impossible body standards and makes people feel like their worth is tied to their body shape. Someone who doesn't fit this "ideal" thick body might feel totally left out or inadequate.
When it's used negatively, it implies someone is "too" curvy or has "too much" of a certain body part. This can really hurt, especially for people who are already insecure about their curves or feel pressured to fit a certain body ideal. It can make someone feel like their body is being judged and objectified, not celebrated.
#2. Skinny Legend
Sounds cute, right? WRONG. This term might seem like a total vibe, but it's low-key problematic. It basically says that being thin is the ultimate goal. It can also contribute to the idea that only a certain body type is "legendary" or worthy of praise.
While "skinny legend" started as a positive term, it's often used sarcastically or excessively, which can be just as damaging. Using it sarcastically implies that someone is too skinny or looks unhealthy. This can be super hurtful for people who naturally have a fast metabolism or struggle to gain weight. They might already feel self-conscious about their size, and this kind of "joke" can reinforce those insecurities, making them feel like they're being judged for something they can't control.
#3. Mid
It was used to describe something that's just okay or average. But when people start using this about bodies? Ouch. It basically tells someone they're not special, not hot, just... boring. Like, imagine hearing that your body is just "mid" - that's going to hurt. This can be crushing for someone who is already insecure about their looks. It can make them feel invisible and like their body isn't even worth noticing.
#4. Built Different
While "built different" is often used as a compliment to describe someone who is exceptionally skilled or talented, using it in a body-shaming context can be really messed up. It's actually a sneaky way of saying someone's body doesn't fit the "normal" standard. Whether you're muscular, curvy, slim, or anywhere in between, no one wants to feel like they're some weird outlier. It can make them feel like they don't fit in and that their body is being judged as strange or abnormal. It can also be used sarcastically to highlight a perceived flaw.
#5. Proportioned
Like "thick," "proportioned" can be used positively. However, when used with a negative tone or excessively, it can feel like someone is being overly analyzed and judged. It can make them feel like their body is being dissected and that they're being reduced to a set of measurements. It can also imply that only a specific set of proportions is considered desirable.
It's basically a passive-aggressive way of saying someone's body doesn't look "perfect." Who even decides what proportions are perfect? Nobody, that's who.
#6. Beefy
This one usually targets guys. While some guys might strive for a "beefy" physique, using it to describe someone who isn't actively trying to achieve that look can be hurtful. It can imply they're "too" muscular or bulky, which can make them feel self-conscious, especially if they're not comfortable with that image. It can also perpetuate the idea that men should only be a certain shape or size.
#7. Beanpole or String Bean
This one's a classic hit for tall, naturally thin people. It reduces someone's entire physical existence to a kitchen utensil. Imagine being compared to a stick-thin piece of wood - how is that supposed to make someone feel? It completely disregards the beauty of different body types and metabolism. It can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy and make them feel like they're not "filling out" properly.
#8. Daddy Bod/Mom Bod
On the surface, these terms might seem lighthearted or even accepting. They often refer to a body type that's not necessarily ripped or toned, often associated with having children and perhaps not having as much time for intense workouts. However, even these seemingly "okay" terms can be problematic.
They create another box that people are expected to fit into. Even if it's a more "relaxed" box, it's still a box. While some might use these terms with affection, others might use them with a hint of condescension or mockery. It can imply that someone has "let themselves go" or that their body is no longer "ideal." But guess what? Bodies change, and that's OKAY.
We all use slang. It's how we connect, how we keep things casual, and sometimes, honestly, it's just funny. But sometimes, those seemingly harmless words can have a hidden sting, especially when it comes to body image. Body shaming is never okay, and it's important to be aware of how our language can impact others, even unintentionally.
Let’s do our best to create a more inclusive and accepting environment by choosing our words carefully and being mindful of how they might affect others. It is about time we focus on celebrating all body types and promoting body positivity instead of using language that can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. It's time to ditch the body-shaming slang and embrace kindness and acceptance.