7 Common Mistakes Strict Parents Make And Tips To Avoid

By Samridhi Rohatgi|3 - 4 mins read| October 15, 2024

In most cases, the only intention behind strict parenting is to ensure discipline and responsibility. However, amidst this chaos, most parents often forget to realize that to create the perfect environment for growth, strict parents can sometimes overstep. Unknowingly, these parenting mistakes can turn out to be problematic rather than helpful. The fact is there’s a delicate balance between being firm and overbearing.

Here are seven common mistakes strict parents make and how to avoid them. Read this article to find out in depth.

7 Strict Parent Mistakes to Avoid

From over enforcing rules to lack of emotional availability, here are a few things strict parents are doing all wrong. Read below to find out what exactly these mistakes are and how to work on them.


Most parents often use the phrase ‘Because I said so!’ Most strict parents lean on enforcing rules rather than providing the ‘why’ aspect behind it. Of course rules are important, but for children, it may often feel like they’re following orders blindly.

Therefore, take time to explain why a rule exists. According to the Child Development Research, kids are more likely to follow when they understand the reasoning behind rules, especially as they grow older.

Lack of emotional availability

Most strict parents focus more on discipline than emotional connection. This results in strained relationships with their children. Ultimately, this feeling can convert into feelings of loneliness for kids, especially during their teenage years.

It is important to create balance between firmness and emotional attachment. Be available when your child is upset, and listen before you discipline. In fact, even studies show that emotionally available parents tend to develop better coping mechanisms and fewer behavioral issues.

Using Punishment

Strict parents can default to punishment whenever rules are broken. However, constant punishment often results in rebellion. Or maybe your kids start to show fear-based compliance, which may affect your relationship with them in the long run.

Therefore, it's essential to prioritize positive and constructive reinforcement of rules and rewarding good work. According to the American Psychological Association, consistent positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment in shaping behavior.

Micromanaging Every Detail

Micromanaging every little detail in your kid’s life, anyone? Yes, from homework to hobbies, some strict parents feel compelled to manage every part of their child's life. This leaves little or no room for freedom.

So, it's important to learn to let go a little. In fact, research shows that children who are given space to make mistakes develop stronger problem-solving skills.

No Scope for Mistakes

Strict parents sometimes expect perfection, which puts immense pressure on children to never mess up. This ultimately creates fear of failure and anxiety in turn. Of course, no parent wants that for their child.

Therefore, learn to accept mistakes as learning opportunities rather than judging or scolding your child for not scoring the marks you wanted. Let your kids learn from their mistakes. This approach has been proven to improve academic performance and develop emotional resilience.

Ignoring Differences in Kids

It’s not certain that what worked for one child may work for the other too. And most strict parents often go wrong when they apply the same rules for all their kids instead of acknowledging their differences, strengths, and weaknesses.

The truth is every child is different and requires a different parenting approach. Some kids might be better at verbal reminders, while others may need consequences. Therefore, flexibility is the key when it comes to parenting.

No Space for Flexibility

Being too rigid sometimes can result in unnecessary friction. While kids need structure, they also need some wiggle room to explore and express themselves.

Did you know that authoritative parenting, which combines firmness with flexibility, produces more confident kids compared to those who have strict parents? So here you have your answer.


Parenting is a journey that often has a lot to learn. Since mistakes are a common part of every journey, it’s important to learn from your parenting mistakes to help you create a more balanced relationship with your kid while ensuring discipline. After all, strict doesn't mean to be rigid and unapproachable. It’s about giving the support and understanding your child needs with a little dose of discipline.

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

Written by Samridhi Rohatgi

Last Updated: Tue Oct 15 2024

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