5 Traits Of Relaxed Parents: Are You A Koala Parent?

By Samridhi Rohatgi|2 - 3 mins read| February 14, 2025

Amidst the chaotic concepts of helicopter moms and tiger dads, there has emerged a new term called the koala parent.

Yes—koala parents.

So, who exactly are these guys? These are the masters of the parenting world, blending calm, care, and cuddles. So what exactly makes you a koala parent?

Read this article to explore the five most common traits of koalas, or the relaxed parents.

You Believe in Letting Kids Be Kids

Koala parents are the ones who believe in the art of letting go—of course, not in the ‘leave the baby on the bus’ way. But, in a way that allows them to explore the world on their own. These parents understand that scraped knees and failed tests are just a part of childhood.

In fact, according to a study, children with less controlling parents develop better problem-solving skills and have higher self-esteem. After all, a little mud and mischief never hurt anyone.

You Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

For koala parents, as soon as life throws some curveballs, they casually catch them, smile, and keep going. Whether it’s a toddler tantrum or a teenage meltdown over prom outfits, this parenting style never lets stress consume them. Almost 68 percent of relaxed parents reported lower levels of stress compared to their peers who had contradictory parenting traits. And yes, this doesn’t mean they don’t care.

You Are Big on Hugs

Koalas are famous for their cuddles, and so are koala parents. Emotional connection is a sign of good parenting.From bedtime hugs to spontaneous cuddle moments, these parents focus on building a warm and secure relationship with their little ones.

The reason?

It’s science—hugs are pure magic.

You Trust Your Kids

Koala parents are known to master the balance of trust and guidance. They know that letting kids make their own choices will actually turn them accountable. Whether it’s letting a toddler pick their outfit or giving them the freedom to manage their pocket money, it’s always better to know when to step back.

You Stay Present

Lastly, the secret to good parenting is being present and mindful. Whether the kids are reading a bedtime story or just ranting about what happened at school, koala parents are all ears. They know that being present, even for five minutes, beats hours of distracted multitasking. After, a long quality time with your kids is never enough.


If you’re a koala parent, you’re probably calm under pressure, big on cuddles, and believe in letting kids find their own way. So the next time someone asks you whether you’re a helicopter parent, you might just say that you’re a koala parent. That's a title worth owning.

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