20+ Teen Slangs in 2024 You Need to Know About 

By Nikitha Patel|3 - 4 mins read| March 09, 2025

Nowadays, it's not uncommon for parents to get baffled by the strange words that their teens use. You’re too welcome to the ‘Teenage Slang Club.’

After all, teen language evolves faster than you can say ‘YOLO’, and when you’ve finally understood their secret code, they’ve moved on to something else. It seems as if its an alien dialect to the Millenial Gen or Gen X parents.

It’s time to get ready for all those moments when your teen drops some cryptic lingo. Who knows, our list of trending teen slangs in 2024 will make you hear ‘Please stop trying to be cool, Mom’ from your kids.

Read this article to explore over 20 teen slangs in 2024 and what they actually mean.

20+ Teen Slangs You Might Hear

The outburst of memes on social media, the stand-ups, and the never-ending teen conversation have made it even more challenging to understand the teen phrases, or what is called "slang.’ Even though you’ve taken hold of a few phrases, there are hundreds of teen codes that need to be explored. Find out some unique teen phrases you must probably have heard from your teens’ mouths.


Bet doesn’t mean gambling; instead, it’s the new ‘okay’ or'sure.’ So the next time you ask them to clear their room and they say ‘Bet’, it means they’ve agreed.


Rizz, in short, means someone’s charisma or flirting skills. So, if they say ‘no rizz’, maybe it’s time to level up your game.

No Cap

This popular teen slang means ‘no lie’ or ‘I am not exaggerating.’ So, if they say that ‘This place is the best’, they’re probably serious.


Slay simply means to do something perfectly well. So, if your kid compliments your outfit, saying you slayed, it really means you nailed it.

It’s Giving

If your teen says ‘It’s giving’ it means something is giving the vibe or aura of something it reminds them of.


Drip means a stylish outfit or an accessory. So, if your child walks out of the trial room and says, ‘Check out my drip’, it means they’re probably flaunting their fashion sense.


If someone’s pressed, it means they’re upset about something.


Sus is the short for'suspicious'—meaning anything questionable or shady. So the next time your child raises his eyebrow and says, ‘That’s sus,’ they’re probably suspicious about it.


It’s not just a letter; it is a win. Alternatively, L means a loss. So if you hear ‘That’s a W,’ something good just happened.

Hits Different

If something resonates or impacts more than usual, we say ‘Hits different.’ So if something hits differently, it's special—whether it’s a song or your mom’s homemade food.


Though Yeet began as a viral dance move, it has elaborated to a broader context, meaning to throw something with force or enthusiasm. However, mostly it means to get rid of something.


Flex sarcastically means to show off. If your teen says ‘Nice flex,’ they’re really admiiring or just mocking your new sneakers.

Glow Up

Glow up defines someone’s transformation, usually in a better way. So if your teen had that teenage glow up, they’re bragging about their new self.


Ratio refers to the relationship between likes, comments, and dislikes. So, if you find your teen saying ‘get ratioed’ it means someone is getting more dislikes than positive reactions.


When something is really good, especially food, we say, ‘It’s bussin’.’ The next time your child says, ‘The biryani is bussin’’ learn that you served them the best.


Simp typically refers to a person who goes out of his way to please someone. This phrase is generally used in a derogatory way.


Describing someone as a snack means they’re attractive. It’s a compliment, though in an odd way. If your daughter says ‘he’s a snack,’ she’s crushing hard.


Shook means to blow away the mind or surprise. If your teen is 'shook’, something shocking just went down.


Metaphorically, dead means something hilarious or too funny; that’s why it's difficult to control the laughter.


This teen slang is used to express excitement, awkwardness, or maybe just as a filler. In simple words, it’s more of a nervous laughter.


Spilling the tea means sharing some juicy gossip. So if your child asks, ‘What’s the tea?’ they’re asking you for the latest scoop.


While the teen slang may appear weird, it’s a sign of creativity and the Gen Alpha culture. You don’t necessarily have to be a master in these slangs, yet you should be prepared to answer every time your teen drops a ‘No cap.’ In this interesting article, get ready to explore the linguistic madness that comes your way.

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