Vitamin D: Importance, Sources and Need

By Dr. Anukriti|2 - 3 mins read| March 03, 2025

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a nutrient which is essential for proper functioning of the body. It is a type of fat soluble vitamin which means that it can be stored in the body in fatty tissues. Vitamin D has the prime function that it helps to absorb calcium from the food consumed.

What does Vitamin D do?

Vitamin D is basically concerned with bone health. Various functions performed by Vitamin D are:

  • It helps to build bones. 
  • It maintains the integrity of bones.
  • It is an essential  part of heart health.
  • It helps in fighting infection.
  • It helps in healing bones after any injury or surgery.

What are the sources of Vitamin D?

1. Sunlight

Our bodies are capable of synthesising the active form of vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sunlight. Even though this is a unique feature of the human body, it is very difficult to quantify how much vitamin D is made in the sunlight.

The intensity and amount of sunlight depends on the time of year, weather and pollution. Additionally, most of the time is spent indoors by kids in this generation. Even though sunlight is a good source of vitamin D, it is also important to protect our skin from excessive exposure which causes damage and predisposes to certain skin cancers. 

2. Food

Not many foods have vitamin D naturally. Those foods which have enough quantity of Vitamin D are fatty fish, liver, mushrooms, eggs, and fish oils. These are not the types of food consumed on a regular basis by children so natural food is a poor source of vitamin D.

The most abundant source in foods is artificially fortified foods which means that vitamin D is externally added in everyday food items such as milk, yoghurt, baby formula, juice and cereal.

3. Supplements

Supplements might be needed by some children who are not able to get enough vitamin D from food. The supplements are available in the form of pills, gummies, chewables and liquids. These are easily available and there is no need for a prescription.

How much Vitamin D do children need?

Vitamin D is measured in the form of international units. The requirements depends on the age of the child. 

  • Baby under 1 year of age need 400 IU in a day. 
  • Childre over 1 year need atleast 600 IU in a day. 
  • Some kids might need more vitamin D than the normal amount such as those who suffer from some medical issues such as obesity, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, multiple fractures, or bone issues. 
  • Some kids who take certain medicines which block the absorption or metabolism of vitamin D in the body also need extra supplements.

How can I help my child get enough Vitamin D?

  • Your child who is breastfed might need Vitamin D supplements. You should talk to your doctor regarding this.
  • Children with certain medical conditions or taking certain medications may require supplements.
  • You should try to give your child vitamin D fortified food.
  • You should talk to your doctor if you feel that your child’s vitamin D needs are not being met by food alone.
  • You can ask your doctor about having regular blood tests to check the levels of vitamin D in the body of your child.

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