Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Immune System

By Samrat Saxena|4 - 5 mins read| October 23, 2024

Ever noticed your child constantly falling sick? It feels like they’re getting over one cold only to catch another one the very next week. For parents watching their kids fall sick again and again is difficult. You might question—why does this keep happening?

The truth is—a healthy lifestyle comes with a strong immune system. However, building that super strong immunity in kids doesn't come easy. 

Children, especially those in school or daycare, are exposed to countless germs daily. In fact, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children can experience between six and eight colds annually, and that’s considered normal. However, as parents, your role is not just restricted to handing out the broth when they have a cold; instead, it's about developing long-term healthy habits to support your child’s defense mechanism almost every day.

So what are the best ways to develop a strong immunity in kids? Read this article to explore some helpful tips to improve your child’s immune system.

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Immune System

Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the most powerful immune boosters for kids. Therefore, kids who do not get enough sleep are more prone to developing infections due to a weaker immune system. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, toddlers need 11 to 14 hours of sleep per night. On the other hand, school-going kids must take 9–12 hours of sleep. In short, a solid sleep is the key to giving those little bodies to fight off the germs.

Keep Kids Active

Did you know that even moderate activity can give the immune system a significant boost, as per Harvard Medical School? Exercise helps strengthen the immune system by improving blood circulation, which in turn allows immune cells to move more effectively throughout the body. Even if it means running, walking around the room, or just dancing along their favorite grooves—encourage your kids to be active.

Boost Their Diet

While this fact sounds too basic, there’s a reason why everyone emphasizes the impact of having a healthy diet. And veggies and fruits form an essential part of a balanced diet. Foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, like berries, carrots, and leafy greens, support the immune system in fighting infections. Despite the fact, unfortunately, only 1 in 10 children eats enough fruits and vegetables, according to the CDC. It’s a sign to include those food items into your child’s diet—even if that means sneaking them into their favorite recipes or making creamy smoothies.

Handwashing is the Basics

Regular handwashing helps prevent the spread of germs, keeping your child's immune system from working overtime. Therefore, it’s important to teach your kids the habit of washing hands before meals, after playing outside, or after sneezing. This little change can significantly reduce the risk of infections. All they need is soap and water for 20 seconds, or as long as they want to keep the germs away.

Lesser Sugar Intake

You must already know that sugar is harmful for your child’s teeth. But did you know that it also affects their immune system? Yes, according to studies, sugar can suppress the immune system, leaving your child more exposed to infections. In fact, after eating sugar, the immune system's ability to fight bacteria can be reduced by up to 40% for several hours. Therefore, it is recommended to replace harmful sugary delights with fresh fruits or yogurt that contain natural sugars and not the processed ones.

Lots of Hydration

Water plays a big role in flushing out toxins and keeping the immune system functioning optimally. However, dehydration can significantly impact how your immune system performs. Therefore, the best way is to stay properly hydrated and drink at least 5-7 glasses of water every day.

Vitamin D Dose

Vitamin D is a powerhouse when it comes to immune function. According to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin D can reduce the risk of viral infections by promoting immune reactions. Whether it's through supplements, food, or enough exposure to sunlight, getting the adequate vitamin dose daily is the ultimate key to ensuring a strong immune system in children.

Don’t Forget The Probiotics 

Gut health is directly linked to immune health. Foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables, help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which is responsible for a healthy immunity. Did you know the fact that around 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, making it essential to focus on digestive health?

Stress Check

Though often overlooked, stress is another factor that might weaken the immune system. Yes, even in kids. Therefore, it is important to teach your kids how they can manage their stress levels to avoid related health risks. Whether it's deep breathing or yoga, simple activities like these can actually make a big difference in improving your kid’s immunity.

Regular Checkups

Another important aspect when it comes to maintaining your child’s immune system is regular pediatric visits and proper vaccination. According to WHO, immunizations prevent 2-3 million deaths each year—proof that vaccines play a huge role.


A strong immune system is an important aspect when it comes to a child's health. From boosting their diet to ensuring they get enough sleep, it's important to give your kid's body the perfect balance to ward off illnesses. In the end, it's about the balance—exercise, some wholesome meals, and a little sunshine—that can actually do the magic.

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

Written by Samrat Saxena

Last Updated: Wed Oct 23 2024

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