Teen Weight Loss Myths and Facts- Things You Need To Know

By Vanita|2 - 3 mins read| March 03, 2025

Teen weight loss myths have been doing the rounds for a long time and are rooted in mere speculation. Teenagers are more susceptible to the popular body shapes advertised by the glamour world. It is everywhere, on media, on the internet and even in daily life. All that obsesses the current crop of teenagers is a social perception of what they look like and what their shape is. This has led to many behavioural disorders happening in teenage years.

Weight loss myths are very believable

Social media and general perception leads you to believe that only very slim girls can look good. This is more applicable to the fairer sex as the female body shape is objectified more. It also stands true for boys who are overweight. Teenage girls are more affected as they are more attracted to a false image that they nurture about the perfect body. Body shaming is a big part of bullying.

Myths related to healthy nutrition

There are many myths related to healthy nutrition amongst teenagers. The modern adolescent is addicted to junk food and sugary drinks. There is very little knowledge about the right foods that help maintain good nutrition and keep you healthy in this age group. The majority of teenagers are very dependent on the empty calories that come from unhealthy fast food. The biggest nutrition myth of 2020 is that younger people are healthier. Studies say that nearly 34% urban teenagers are mildly to morbidly obese due to their poor eating habits.

Diet myths and facts

The biggest myth that is perpetrated in the popular belief is that you put on weight when you eat late at night. The answer is very complex as the daily habits of the person determine this. There is absolutely no reason why you cannot snack healthily at night. You should just ensure that you are really hungry and that your snack is healthy. Eat a handful of nuts and seeds, a piece of whole wheat toast or even yoghurt!

Multigrain is better than white. It could be pasta or bread. You need to understand that if it is store bought, it will nearly be the same. The food companies use refined flour of the various grains to make the food. This negates all the healthy fibre that you should be deriving from the food. It is far better to opt for home baked bread or look for whole grain rather than multigrain products.

It is also important to exercise even if you are busy with myriad activities all day. Exercise keeps you fit and healthy. It also makes your skin glow. The activity keeps anxiety and depression away. It is important that you are exercising to keep endorphins and serotonin circulating in your system to keep you happy.

A perfect body shape is a myth in itself. It is important for teenagers to be healthy and fit. You should look at yourself in a positive way. If you have a broad frame, no amount of dieting you do can make you look skinny. It is best to be confident in your own skin. You are popular because of the person you are, not because of the shape you carry!

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