Reasons Behind Cavities In your Kid’s Teeth

By Priyanka Chaturvedi|3 - 4 mins read| December 26, 2023

Cavities, also known as dental decay, are weakened areas of normally strong tooth enamel. Plaque builds up on the teeth throughout the day, trapping the sugars from your child’s food. Further, the bacteria in the plaque will release acids if this substance isn’t thoroughly removed from teeth, which can erode the enamel and cause cavities.

Today every child is at risk of getting tooth cavities. If untreated this can lead to severe pain and infection among children which can hamper them in doing daily activities like eating, speaking and learning. There are various causes behind cavities in a child’s teeth. That’s why it becomes important to take care of dental hygiene to prevent cavities.

Causes of Cavities In Kids Teeth

1. Cavities causing bacteria

Tooth cavities are caused by sugar. There are certain harmful bacteria in our mouth that produce acid, which damages the teeth causing cavities. Cavities causing bacteria are transmitted to the kid’s mouth by saliva. To prevent this, make sure your kids are not sharing the same toys used by other children. They might have their saliva and bacteria on them. Clean it properly before giving it to them.

2. Food habits

It is not always sugary food but any food that contains fermentable carbohydrates which can be broken down into sugar is dangerous for the kid’s oral health. Further processed food, starchy food, chips and chocolates should be avoided.

3. Plaque attacks

The acids in plaque strip minerals from the hard outer enamel of the teeth. The first stage of cavities is little openings or holes in the enamel caused by this erosion. Bacteria and acid can reach the dentin, the next layer of the teeth, once some enamel is worn out. This layer is less acid-resistant than enamel and is also softer. Sensitivity is caused by tiny tubes in the dentin that directly communicate with the tooth’s nerve.

4. Tooth Cavities deteriorate further.

The destruction goes on. The bacteria and acid that cause tooth decay continue to spread throughout the teeth and eventually reach the pulp, or the inner tooth material, which contains nerves and blood vessels. The bacteria cause swelling and irritation of the pulp. The nerve becomes compressed, resulting in pain, because there is no room inside a tooth for the swelling to expand. Uneasiness could go beyond the extent of the tooth root to the bone.

5. Not enough fluoride in the diet. 

Fluoride occurs naturally which helps prevent cavities and can even reverse the earliest stages of tooth decay. It is also added to various public water supplies. Additionally, it is a frequent component of toothpaste and mouth rinses.

6. Worn dental devices and fillings

Dental fillings become fragile and degrade or develop rough edges over time. This makes it more difficult to remove plaque and makes it easier to build up. Dental appliances may lose their ability to fit appropriately, allowing decay to begin beneath them.

How To Prevent Tooth Cavities In Kids?

1. Avoid unhealthy food

Consume more vegetables and fruits and lesser processes and starchy foods. Also, avoid food that gets stuck in the pit of your teeth. Also, avoid sweetened drinks which can put your teeth at greater risk of bacterial attack.

2. Brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste

Brushing the teeth twice a day, usually after every meal, with toothpaste that contains fluoride is recommended. Also, use a floss or interdental cleaner to clean your teeth.

3. Rinse your mouth

To prevent your mouth from acid and bacterium attacks, it is advisable by a dentist that you should rinse your mouth properly using mouthwash with fluoride.

4. Visiting the dentist frequently

Always visit a professional for your dental health. The dentist can also provide a schedule that will keep your oral health in check.

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