What are some useful tips to get relief from backache in pregnancy?

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himanshi arora
answered 3 Feb 2021

Back pain during pregnancy is a normal complaint. As you started gaining weight, it's normal to have back pain but still, we can prevent it a little bit or ease back pain during pregnancy. Some of the useful tips are-

1. Good posture

Stand up straight and tall. Do exercise daily to make your posture straight and relax.

2. Lift things properly

While lifting the things, make sure that you don't put a lot of pressure on your back. It's important to know your limits. Ask for help if you need.

3. Do massage

Whenever you got time, try to massage your back. It would be great if you take help and others will do massage on your back as it will help to make you relax . Try hot or cold massage.

4. Right gear

Don't wear high heels and try to use the right gear. You can also consider wearing the materinity support belt.

That's All folks
