Two Terrific Years: Celebrating Independence and Learning

By Nisha Baheti|3 - 4 mins read| June 24, 2024

The second year of life is a remarkable time for children and their families. It is a period of rapid growth and development, as well as exciting challenges and opportunities. Children at this age are mastering new physical skills, expanding their language and cognitive abilities, expressing their emotions and personalities, and forming meaningful social relationships. Here we will examine the achievements as well as problems of the 2-year-old and find out how parents deal with active children in this stage.

Physical Development

The phase of 2-year-old development that has a probably strong impact on the parents is the stage of growth in physical skills. Between the ages of two and five, children can walk up and down the stairs effortlessly, do acrobatics, and even jump off small heights and climb furniture without any trouble. Furthermore, toddlers will assume the development of their hand-eye coordination, i.e., drawing shapes that are recognized, using tables and spoons confidently, and controlling small objects. Since they possess such skills, they use them to experience the world and create storylines.

Other critical aspects of the child’s development are the ascent of their self-independence. They now have the ability to do crucial things like dress themselves, use the toilet with some prompting, and participate daily in routines such as brushing their teeth and washing their hands. They also get used to having more privileges, and they decide what they really want to dress, eat, and do. They come to acquire and display those behaviors that signify their growing awareness of themselves and their independence.

Cognitive Development

As for the cognitive development of the infant, the second year is also a stage during the baby’s growing process.

  • Toddlers at this stage can form sentences and ask many questions; they can also understand basic concepts like colors, shapes, and numbers. Besides, they are good learners, which means they can remember locations by naming objects and events that happened in the past. They rapidly learn and are excited to acquire skills, including counting, coloring, and estimating.
  • One of the most fascinating aspects of cognitive development is the emergence of imagination and creativity. Children at this age engage in elaborate pretend play, where they create different roles and scenarios, such as playing doctor, teacher, or superhero. They also use objects in imaginative ways, such as using a box as a car or a spoon as a microphone. Pretend play allows them to express their thoughts and feelings, practice social skills, and explore new possibilities.

Social and emotional development

Instead of that, a two-year-old’s is also a year of important social and emotional development. Toddlers at this age grow to be more protesting and self-reliant, claiming “no” more and often echoing what their likes and dislikes are and deciding on their own. Apart from it, they will cultivate empathy and emotional conversance, meaning they will begin to feel others, share their toys, and help them when they are in need. They do exhibit more use of words for mothers, caregivers, as well as brothers and sisters.

Such children learn to form meaningful relationships and happy social contacts better, and this is due to the problems that have passed. They can develop the ability to play nicely with other children, sharing their materials or additional items as well as taking turns, following rules, and expressing their thoughts. It bugs them too; they play together out of choice; they choose their playmates, and their circle of acquaintance (friendship) grows bigger. Together with the others, they will have a chance to learn from each other, develop social skills, and have fun. Thanks to these types of activities, they are able to develop their social skills and have a lot of fun.


The two-year-old milestone is a really special time that you share with your child to acknowledge the fantastic achievements children make during the growth period on all levels of development. It’s not only a time to encourage them, but to motivate them so that they can successfully overcome all challenges and grab new opportunities. Here are some tips for navigating independence, managing emotions, and fostering continued learning and development.


Baby Names

TheParentZ provides Parenting Tips & Advice to parents.

About The Author:

Nisha Baheti

Last Updated: Mon Jun 24 2024

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