Potty training works best when your child is truly ready. Starting too early can lead to frustration, while waiting for the right time makes the process smoother.
Physical Signs of Readiness
Your child’s body must be capable of controlling their bladder and bowel movements before potty training can begin. Signs include:
• Dry periods of at least 2 hours – This shows they have developed enough bladder control.
• Stays dry after naps – Indicates they can hold urine longer.
• Regular bowel movements – A predictable schedule makes training easier.
• Can walk and sit independently – They need to reach the potty on their own.
Cognitive Signs of Readiness
Potty training is also about understanding and following instructions. Signs that your child is mentally ready include:
• Recognise the need to go – They pause, squat, or hold their diaper when they feel the urge.
• Communicates about bathroom needs – Uses words, gestures, or facial expressions to indicate they need to go.
• Understands simple instructions – Can follow basic steps like “Pull down your pants” or “Sit on the potty.”
• Shows curiosity – Watches parents or siblings use the toilet and asks questions.
Emotional and Behavioural Signs of Readiness
Emotional readiness plays a crucial role in successful potty training. Signs include:
• Discomfort in wet or dirty diapers – They may pull at their diaper or ask for a change.
• Desire for independence – Shows interest in doing things on their own, including dressing and undressing.
• Ability to sit still for a few minutes – Using the potty requires patience, so they should be able to sit calmly.
• Excitement about using the potty – Some children enjoy picking out their potty chair or underwear.
When Should You Wait?
If your child is resisting, not showing interest, or experiencing big life changes like a new sibling or moving houses, it’s best to wait. Pushing too soon can create anxiety and setbacks.
Final Thoughts
Each child develops at their own pace, so don’t stress if they take longer than expected. Once you notice multiple signs of readiness, start preparing for a positive potty training experience.