9 Month Old Baby Development and Milestones

By Samrat Saxena|7 - 8 mins read| February 19, 2025

The nine-month-old baby is growing and learning new things. They become more inquisitive, active, and outgoing. They are also acquiring new skills and qualities, which will help them discover the world and communicate with you. Here we will discuss some of the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive milestones that you should expect from your 9-month-old infant. We will also share some practical tips and recommendations on how to encourage development and enjoyment with your baby.

Here are some of the growth and developmental milestones your 9-month-old may reach:

9 Month Old Baby Physical Development Milestones

The physical development of your baby is progressing fast. They are getting more mobile and moving like a little teddy . They are also developing their fine motor and eye-hand coordination. Here are some of the physical milestones that you may notice in your 9-month-old baby:

Crawling Pro

  • The crawling is their primary way of moving, enabling them to move fast and agilely around their environment. They can also scoot forward either on their belly, which is called an army crawl, or on their hands and knees. They can also move around and reach wherever they want.
  • Allowing your baby to have freedom of movement and time will help them develop their crawling skills. You may also baby-proof your house and eliminate all the potential danger sources.

Standing Tall

  • Pulling up to stand without support and cruising confidently along furniture becomes part of their daily routine. They can pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or your hands. They can also walk sideways while holding on to a couch, a table, or a chair
  • Solid support for your baby’s standing skills can be provided by giving him or her sturdy furniture that he or she can hold on to. Alternatively, you could put a few toys or books at various spots to encourage them to roam about.

First Steps (Maybe)

  • Some babies take their first unsteady steps with support, which is an important achievement in their physical development. They can walk with your help, holding your hands, or using a walker. They may also attempt to release themselves and stand up on their own.
  • You can aid your baby in practicing walking by doing the airplane move: hold them under their arms and lift them gently up and down. You may also compliment and applaud them as they walk.

Clapping Hands

  • They may know the pleasure of clapping their hands, showing happiness and pleasure. They also clap their hands when they are happy, amused, or proud. They can also join in clapping to the beats of music or songs.
  • Clapping hands slow enough for the baby to be able to copy gets the coordination and expression working. While clapping too fast, it makes babies clap all over the place. You can also do activities such as pat-a-cake or sing songs that involve clapping.

9 Month Old Baby Social and Emotional Development Milestones

The development of your baby’s social and emotional aspects is also advancing. They are getting very emotional and reactive. They are also becoming aware of themselves and others. Here are some of the social and emotional milestones that you may observe in your 9-month-old baby:

Playing Pretend

  • Imagination blossoms! They play role-play games, copying what they observe adults doing. They can play with feeding a doll, talking on the phone, or driving a car. They can also utilize things as props in their make-believe play.
  • To help your baby develop imaginative and creative thoughts, you can supply them with safe, bright, colorful, and fascinating toys and objects. You could also participate with them in their make-believe games and role-play different scenes. .

Affectionate Connections

  • Cuddles and kisses become memories to be kept, which signify increasing social awareness and attachment. They may hug, kiss, or smile to show their affection for you. 
  • You can help your baby’s emotional growth and the building of the bond by hugging, kissing, and smiling at them. You can also console them when they are down-trodden and applaud them when they are jovial. You can also calm them down by holding, rocking, or singing to them.

Favorite Toys

  • A security object, such as a special toy or blanket, may appear. They can have a special toy or thing that they look for regularly. They can also take it with them or sleep with it. This is a marker of their emerging bonding and self-calming abilities.
  • You can help your baby handle separation anxiety by allowing them to have their favorite toy or object when you leave them. You may also clean it frequently and have an extra one in case it is broken or lost.

Separation anxiety intensifies.

  • They will now cry and protest if left alone, revealing their strong emotional connections. They may even wail or hang onto you if you try to leave them with someone else. They may also be resistant to being held or touched by people they do not know.
  • Making your baby aware of your leaving and returning enables the baby to deal with the distaste of separation. You could as well leave them with a familiar, trusted person and a comfort object. You can equally eliminate long or too frequent separations.

9 Month Old Baby Cognitive Development Milestones

Your baby’s cognitive progress is also being enhanced. They are getting wiser and more inquisitive. They are also improving their memory and exercising their problem-solving capabilities. Here are some of the cognitive milestones that you can expect from your 9-month-old baby:

Pointing Power

  • Gesturing objects and people becomes a major means of communication for showing interest and asking for things. They are able to indicate with their fingers to help you see what they want or what they are looking at. They can also track your pointing and look at what you are pointing at.
  • Pointing to things and telling your baby about them will help develop his communication and focus. Their points can also be followed and their interests addressed. Besides, you may also read and chant some songs.

Following Commands

  • Commands such as “no” and “come” are interpreted and adhered to to a certain degree. When you command them “no” or “stop,” they will follow, and they will come to you when you call them or when you gesture to them.
  • The use of a clear and consistent tone of voice will help your baby learn to understand the meaning of words and gestures. You can also reward them when they do what you ask. Alternatively, you may also divert their attention to something else when they do something that you do not want them to do.

Object Permanence Expert

  • They are aware of the fact that objects remain in the world even if they are not visible, and therefore they can look for hidden toys easily. They may look for a toy that you hide under a blanket or behind a pillow. They may also drop an object and watch it fall
  • Playing peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek, and find-the-toy games with your baby will help develop his or her memory and problem-solving skills. You can also use containers, cups, or boxes to cover and uncover items.

Tips and advice for your 9 Month Old Baby

You play a significant role in your baby’s development as a parent. By making sure that he or she lives in a safe, interesting, and loving world, you help your baby grow and learn. You can also have fun with them, talk with them, and read to them all day long. This kind of activity may play a crucial role in the growth of your baby and its happiness. Here are some tips and advice on how to support your 9-month-old baby’s development and have fun with them:

  • You, baby, are inquisitive and want to discover the world. You can stimulate their curiosity by giving them different toys and items that are safe, colorful, and intriguing. You could also move the toys and objects around every couple of days to ensure they are always interesting.
  • Your baby is getting more mobile and curious as well. You can facilitate their mobility by providing them with space and time to move. Some of the things you can do are to also baby-proof your home and get rid of any potential dangers.
  • Your infant enjoys playing with you and others. By playing games, reading books, or singing songs for them, you can improve their socializing and playing. You may also commend them and clap for them when they perform nicely.

Get ready for your 10-month-old’s milestones by exploring our guide on 10 Month Old Baby Development.

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