What does the name Zvonimir mean? What is the meaning of the name Zvonimir
Meaning of Zvonimir: Name Zvonimir in the Croatian origin, means The sound of peace.. Name Zvonimir is of Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Zvonimir are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Zvonimir (Namesakes)
- Zvonimir Boban
Zvonimir Boban (Croatian pronunciation: [zʋônimiːr bǒban] (listen); born 8 October 1968) is a Croatian former footballer who was Deputy Secretary General of FIFA. He was most recently the Chief Football Officer of AC Milan.
- Zvonimir Janko
Zvonimir Janko (born 26 November 1932) is a Croatian mathematician who is the eponym of the Janko groups, sporadic simple groups in group theory.
- Zvonimir Soldo
Zvonimir Soldo (born 2 November 1967) is a Croatian former football player and manager of Admira Wacker.
- Zvonimir Šeparović
Zvonimir Šeparović (born 14 September 1928) is a Croatian jurist and politician.
- Zvonimir Vukić
Zvonimir Vukić (Serbian Cyrillic: Звонимир Вукић; born 19 July 1979) is a Serbian former professional footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Ferdinand Zvonimir von Habsburg
Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard von Habsburg-Lothringen, known colloquially as Ferdinand Habsburg (born 21 June 1997, in Salzburg), is an Austrian motor racing driver and the eldest son of Karl von Habsburg.
- Zvonimir Deranja
- Zvonimir Serdarušić
Zvonimir "Noka" Serdarušić (born 2 September 1950) is a retired Croatian handball coach and former player who competed for SFR Yugoslavia.
- Zvonimir Stanković
Zvonimir Stanković (Serbian Cyrillic: Звoнимиp Cтaнкoвић, born 22 November 1983, in Leskovac) is a Serbian footballer playing for FK Bregalnica Štip in the Macedonian First Football League as a defender.
- Zvonimir Jurić
Zvonimir Jurić (born 4 June 1971) is a Croatian film director and screenwriter.
- Zvonimir Đurkinjak
Zvonimir Đurkinjak (born 2 June 1988) is a Croatian badminton player who plays for the Medvedgrad 1998 badminton club.
- Zvonimir Hölbling
Zvonimir Hölbling (born 3 August 1989) is a Croatian male badminton player who plays for the Medvedgrad 1998 badminton club and also BV Mülheim in Germany.
- Zvonimir Milić
Zvonimir Milić (born 20 February 1995) is a Croatian professional footballer who plays for HNK Cibalia in Prva HNL, on loan from HNK Hajduk Split, as a centre back.
- Zvonimir Mikulić
Zvonimir Mikulić (born 5 February 1990) is a Croatian professional football goalkeeper who currently plays for Sheriff Tiraspol.
- Zvonimir Kožulj
Zvonimir Kožulj (Bosnian pronunciation: [zʋǒnimiːr kǒʒuːʎ]; born 15 November 1993) is a Bosnian professional footballer who most recently played as a midfielder for Ekstraklasa club Pogoń Szczecin and the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team.
- Zvonimir Bilić
Zvonimir Bilić (born 22 September 1971) is a former Croatian handball player and coach.
He played for the national team of Croatia.
- Zvonimir Jurić (footballer)
Zvonimir Jurić (born 10 April 1976) is former Croatian footballer who spent his whole career playing for NK Zadar.
- Zvonimir Šarlija
Zvonimir Šarlija (born 29 August 1996) is a Croatian football player who plays as a defender for Turkish club Kasımpaşa on loan from Slaven Belupo.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Zvonimir Numerology: Name Zvonimir has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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