Top Zoroastrianism Baby Girl Names Starting With A

Searching for the ideal Zoroastrianism baby Girl name starting with A? Explore our curated list of top Zoroastrianism baby Girl names that starts with A and find the perfect one for your little one. Use The ParentZ Baby Name Finder to discover Zoroastrianism Girl names starting with A, along with their meanings, for your newborn or expected baby.

Zoroastrianism Baby Names For Girls Starting With A


Brilliant waters. It's the name of a river in Iran and an angel who is identified with the sacred waters.


The one having a righteous father or the mother of a future savior.


One who always speaks the truth. It's also the name of the King Jamshed's daughter.


A woman filled with humility, piety and devotion. It's also the name of an archangel.


Faith; Persian - Desire; A variant form of name Arman


Daughter of garden of Eden's dweller.


Persian - Man; Hindi - Prayer Ceremony; Also means from the Rishis


Persian - Throne; One who is worthy of Throne; A variant spelling of the name Arshiya


A righteous and obeying daughter.


A girl belonging to a noble lineage.

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