What does the name Zohra mean? What is the meaning of the name Zohra
Meaning of Zohra: Name Zohra means Sparkle. Name Zohra is a Girl name. People with name Zohra are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Zohra (Namesakes)
- Zohra Lampert
Zohra Lampert (born May 13, 1937) is an American actress, who has had roles on film, television, and stage, including as the title character in the 1971 cult horror film Let's Scare Jessica to Death; she also starred alongside Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty in the 1961 Splendor in the Grass.
- Zohra Drif
Zohra Drif Bitat (Arabic: زهرة ظريف بيطاط, born 28 December 1934) is a retired Algerian lawyer, moudjahid (a militant of the Algerian War of Independence), and the vice-president of the Council of the Nation, the upper house of the Algerian Parliament.
- Fatima-Zohra Oukazi
Fatima-Zohra Oukazi (born January 18, 1984 in Chlef) is an Algerian international volleyball player and Algeria women's national volleyball team captain (2010-2012), playing as setter.
- Zohra Bensalem
Zohra Bensalem (born April 5, 1990 in Béjaïa) is an Algerian international volleyball player.
- Zohra Ayachi
Zohra Ayachi (born 2 September 1988 in Montpellier) is a French footballer.
- Fatma Zohra Zamoum
Fatma Zohra Zamoum (born 19 January 1967) is a Franco-Algerian writer, filmmaker and educator.
- Zohra Ez-Zahraoui
Zohra Ez-Zahraoui (born 18 November 1983) is a Moroccan female boxer.
- Zohra Graziani-Koullou
Zohra Graziani-Koullou (born 7 January 1966) is a French long-distance runner.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Zohra Numerology: Name Zohra has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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