What does the name Zlatan mean? What is the meaning of the name Zlatan?
Meaning of Zlatan: Name Zlatan in the Croatian origin, means A golden haired man.. Name Zlatan is of Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Zlatan are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Zlatan (Namesakes)
- Zlatan Ibrahimović
Zlatan Ibrahimović (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈslǎːtan ɪbraˈhǐːmʊvɪtɕ], Bosnian pronunciation: [zlǎtan ibraxǐːmoʋitɕ]; born 3 October 1981) is a Swedish professional footballer who plays as a striker for Serie A club A.C. Milan.
- Zlatan Bajramović
- Zlatan Stipišić Gibonni
Zlatan Stipišić, also known as Gibonni, (born 13 August 1968) is a Croatian singer-songwriter and composer from Split.
- Zlatan Muslimović
Zlatan Muslimović (Bosnian pronunciation: [zlǎtan muslǐːmoʋitɕ]; born 6 March 1981) is a retired Bosnian footballer who played as a forward.
- Zlatan Azinović
Zlatan Azinović (born 31 January 1988) is a Swedish former footballer of Bosnian descent who played as a goalkeeper.
- Zlatan Ljubijankić
Zlatan Ljubijankić (Slovene pronunciation: [ˈzlatan ljubiˈjaŋkitʃ]; Bosnian: [zlǎtan ʎubǐjaŋkitɕ]; born 15 December 1983) is a Slovenian footballer who plays as a forward.
- Zlatan Krizanović
- Zlatan Alomerović
Zlatan Alomerović (born 15 June 1991) is a Serbian-German footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Lechia Gdańsk.
- Vitalie Zlatan
Vitalie Zlatan (born 8 April 1993, Chişinău, Moldova) is a Moldavian football striker who plays for FC Iskra-Stal.
- Zlatan Vanev
Zlatаn Vanev Vasilev (original name: Златан Ванев Василев, born (1973-03-29)29 March 1973 in Shumen) is a Bulgarian male weightlifter, competing in the 85 kg category and representing Bulgaria at international competitions.
- Zlatan Šehović
Zlatan Šehović (Serbian Cyrillic: Златан Шеховић; born 8 August 2000) is a Serbian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Maccabi Netanya.
- Zlatan Nalić
Zlatan Nalić (born 23 January 1969) is a Bosnian professional football manager and former player who is the manager of Bosnian Premier League club Tuzla City.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Zlatan Numerology: Name Zlatan has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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