What does the name Zana mean? What is the meaning of the name Zana
Meaning of Zana: Name Zana in the Hebrew, Croatian, Polish origin, means A variant of Ivana, meaning the gift of Yahweh.. Name Zana is of Hebrew, Croatian, Polish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Zana are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Zana: A variant of Ivana, meaning the gift of Yahweh.
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Famous people with name Zana (Namesakes)
- Leyla Zana
Leyla Zana (born 3 May 1961) is a Kurdish politician, who was imprisoned for 10 years for her political activism, which was deemed by the Turkish courts to be against the unity of the country.
- Zana Krasniqi
Zana Krasniqi (born September 15, 1988 in Pristina) is a Kosovar fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder who won Miss Universe Kosovo 2008.
- Yossi Zana
Yoseph "Yossi" Zana (Hebrew: יוסף "יוסי" זאנה; born 15 July 1957) is a former Israeli professional association football player and former international.
- Zana Marjanović
Zana Marjanović (born 31 May 1983) is a Bosnian actress.
- Elias Zana
Elias Zana (Hebrew: אליאס זאנה); born December 30, 1990) is an Israeli footballer who plays in Hapoel Iksal.
He made his debut in Maccabi Netanya in a Toto Cup fixture against Bnei Yehuda.
- Zana Allée
Zana Allée (Arabic: زانا علي, born 1 March 1994) is an Iraqi Kurdish-born French footballer who plays as a midfielder for Stade Briochin.
- Eric Zana
Eric Sydney Zana (born (1987-03-25)25 March 1987 in George, South Africa) is a South African rugby union player who last played for Griquas in the Currie Cup and in the Rugby Challenge.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Zana Numerology: Name Zana has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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