What does the name Yvonne mean? What is the meaning of the name Yvonne
Meaning of Yvonne: Name Yvonne in the English, Swiss, French origin, means Feminine of Ives, meaning archer's bow.. Name Yvonne is of English, Swiss, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Yvonne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Yvonne: Feminine of Ives, meaning archer's bow.
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Famous people with name Yvonne (Namesakes)
- Yvonne McGuinness
Yvonne McGuinness (born 12 October 1972) is an Irish visual artist who works in a variety of contexts, including video installation and print.
- Yvonne Elliman
Yvonne Marianne Elliman (born December 29, 1951) is an American singer, songwriter, and actress who performed for four years in the first cast of the stage musical Jesus Christ Superstar.
- Yvonne Ridley
Yvonne Ridley (born 23 April 1958) is a British journalist who was a chair of the National Council of the now-defunct Respect Party.
- Yvonne Catterfeld
Yvonne Catterfeld (born 2 December 1979) is a German singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality.
- Yvonne Rainer
Yvonne Rainer (born November 24, 1934) is an American dancer, choreographer, and filmmaker, whose work in these disciplines is regarded as challenging and experimental.
- Yvonne Chaka Chaka
Yvonne Chaka Chaka (born Yvonne Machaka in 1965) is an internationally recognised South African singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur, humanitarian and teacher.
- Yvonne Yung
Yvonne Yung (born 17 September 1968) is a Chinese Beauty Pageant winner and actress.
- Yvonne Zima
Yvonne Zima (born January 16, 1989) is an American actress.
- Yvonne Cagle
Yvonne Darlene Cagle (born April 24, 1959) is an American astronaut and Manager.
- Yvonne Strahovski
Yvonne Jaqueline Strzechowski (born 30 July 1982), known professionally as Yvonne Strahovski (), is an Australian actress.
- Yvonne Lim
Yvonne Lim (Chinese: 林湘萍; pinyin: Lín Xiāngpíng, born 28 September 1976) is a Singaporean actress managed under Lafeng Entertainment.
- Yvonne Furneaux
Yvonne Furneaux (born 11 May 1928) is a retired French film actress.
- Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson (born November 12, 1985) is a Ghanaian actress, model, film producer and entrepreneur.
- Yvonne Lime
Yvonne Fedderson (born Yvonne Glee Lime; April 7, 1935) is an American philanthropist and retired actress.
- Yvonne Green
Yvonne Green (born 8 April 1957) is an English poet, translator, writer and barrister.
- Yvonne Orji
Yvonne Orji (born 1983) is a Nigerian American actress.
- Yvonne Ekwere
Yvonne Imoh-Abasi Glory Ekwere (born March 3, 1987), popularly known as Yvonne Vixen Ekwere, is a Nigerian media personality, content producer and actress who works as the presenter of E-Weekly on Silverbird Television.
- Yvonne Jegede
Yvonne Jegede is a Nigerian actress, film producer, model, and television personality; notable for producing 3 is Company.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Yvonne Numerology: Name Yvonne has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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