What does the name Yuliana mean? What is the meaning of the name Yuliana
Meaning of Yuliana: Name Yuliana in the Spanish, Brazilian origin, means Youthful. Name Yuliana is of Spanish, Brazilian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Yuliana are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Yuliana (Namesakes)
- Yuliana Fedak
Yuliana Leonidivna Fedak (Ukrainian: Юліана Леонідівна Федак; born 8 June 1983 in Nova Kakhovka) is a retired Ukrainian tennis player.
- Yuliana Peniche
Yuliana Peniche is a Mexican actress.
- Ika Yuliana Rochmawati
Ika Yuliana Rochmawati (born 2 July 1989) is an Indonesian archer.
- Yuliana Lizarazo
Carol Yuliana Lizarazo Antolinez (born 23 May 1993) is a Colombian female tennis player.
- Yuliana Mikheeva
Yuliana Mikheeva (Armenian: Յուլիանա Միխէևա, born December 6, 1977 in Yerevan, Armenian SSR) is an Armenian retired swimmer.
- Yuliana Slashcheva
Yuliana Yuryevna Slashcheva (Russian: Юлиа́на Ю́рьевна Слащёва; born 9 September 1974) is a media manager, a communications expert, and Chairman of the Board at Soyuzmultfilm, Russia's oldest animation studio based in Moscow.
- Yuliana Doncheva
Yuliana Doncheva Petkova (Bulgarian: Юлияна Дончева Петкова) (born 25 June 1965) is a Bulgarian politician, businesswoman and television personality.
- Yuliana Pérez
Yuliana Pérez Martinéz (born July 21, 1981 in Tucson, Arizona) is an American triple jumper of Cuban heritage.
- Yuliana Angulo
Yuliana Angulo (born 6 July 1994) is an Ecuadorian sprinter.
- Yuliana Korolkova
Yuliana Korolkova (Russian: Юлиана Королькова; born 9 September 1994) is a Russian model and beauty pageant titleholder.
- Yuliana Bolívar
Yuliana Vanessa Bolívar Gonzáles (born 18 May 1990) is a Peruvian judoka.
- Yuliana Aleksandrova
Yuliana Aleksandrova (born 21 February 1999) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a forward for Women's National Championship club FC NSA Sofia and the Bulgaria women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Yuliana Numerology: Name Yuliana has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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