What does the name Yul mean? What is the meaning of the name Yul
Meaning of Yul: Name Yul in the Mongolian origin, means From the far horizon. Name Yul is of Mongolian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Yul are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Yul (Namesakes)
- Yul Vazquez
Yul Vazquez (born March 18, 1965) is a Cuban-American actor and musician.
- Choi Yul
Yul Choi is a South Korean activist, environmentalist and organizer.
- Yul Arzú
Yul Narcizo Arzú Casildo (born 21 October 1986 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras) is a Honduran footballer who play as goalkeeper for Liga Nacional de Fútbol de Honduras club Vida.
- Shin So-yul
Shin So-yul (born Kim Jung-min on August 5, 1985) is a South Korean actress.
- Suk Jong-yul
Suk Jong-yul (Korean: 석종율; born 6 February 1969) is a South Korean professional golfer.
- Yul Bürkle
Yul Hansel Bürkle Solorzano (born September 30, 1974 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan actor and model of German ancestry.
- Yul Kwon
Yul Kwon (born February 14, 1975) is an American television host and former government official, lawyer, and management consultant based in California.
- Na Byung-yul
Na Byung-yul (Korean: 나병율; born 5 January 1985) is a South Korean football midfielder, who currently plays for Indonesian club Persita Tangerang.
- Kwon Yul (actor)
Kwon Se-in (born June 29, 1982), better known by the stage name Kwon Yul, is a South Korean actor.
- Jung-Yul Kim
Jung-Yul Kim (born February 9, 1973) is a former Canadian football offensive tackle who played six seasons in the Canadian Football League with the Calgary Stampeders and Toronto Argonauts.
- Yul Edochie
Yul Edochie (born Yul Chibuike Daniel Edochie 7 January 1982) is a Nigerian actor, named after popular Russian actor Yul Brynner.
- Yul Servo
John Marvin C. Nieto (born February 22, 1977) popularly known as Yul Servo, is a Filipino actor and politician.
- Yul Moldauer
Yul Moldauer (born August 26, 1996) is an American artistic gymnast.
- Yul Oeltze
Yul Oeltze (born 13 September 1993) is a German sprint canoeist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Yul Numerology: Name Yul has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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