What does the name Yoshiaki mean? What is the meaning of the name Yoshiaki
Meaning of Yoshiaki: Name Yoshiaki in the Hebrew, Jewish origin, means To be happy or to be righteous. Name Yoshiaki is of Hebrew, Jewish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Yoshiaki are usually Judaism by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Yoshiaki: To be happy or to be righteous
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Famous people with name Yoshiaki (Namesakes)
- Yoshiaki Hatakeda
- Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Yoshiaki Kawajiri (川尻 善昭, Kawajiri Yoshiaki, born November 18, 1950) is a writer and director of Japanese animation. - Yoshiaki Fujiwara
Yoshiaki Fujiwara (藤原 喜明, Fujiwara Yoshiaki, April 27, 1949) is a Japanese professional wrestler and trainer.
- Yoshiaki Koizumi
Yoshiaki Koizumi (小泉 歓晃, Koizumi Yoshiaki, born April 29, 1968) is a Japanese video game designer, director and producer.
- Yoshiaki Yatsu
Yoshiaki Yatsu (谷津嘉章 Yatsu Yoshiaki, born July 19, 1956) is a Japanese professional wrestler, amateur wrestler and mixed martial artist.
- Yoshiaki Manabe
Yoshiaki Manabe (真鍋 吉明, Manabe Yoshiaki) is the lead guitarist for the Japanese rock band The Pillows.
- Yoshiaki Numata
Yoshiaki Numata (沼田 義明, Numata Yoshiaki, born April 19, 1945 in Hokkaidō, Japan) is a former world Junior Lightweight boxing champion.
- Yoshiaki Harada
Yoshiaki Harada (原田 義昭, Harada Yoshiaki, born October 1, 1944) is a Japanese politician of the Liberal Democratic Party, a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet (national legislature).
- Yoshiaki Sato
Yoshiaki Sato (佐藤 慶明, Satō Yoshiaki, born June 19, 1969) is a former Japanese football player.
- Yoshiaki Shimojo
Yoshiaki Shimojo (下條 佳明, Shimojo Yoshiaki, born May 10, 1954) is a former Japanese football player and manager.
- Yoshiaki Komai
Yoshiaki Komai (駒井 善成, Komai Yoshiaki, born 6 June 1992) is a Japanese footballer who plays for Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo.
- Yoshiaki Oiwa
Yoshiaki Oiwa (大岩 義明, Ōiwa Yoshiaki, born 19 July 1976 in Nagoya) is a Japanese equestrian.
"Yoshi", as he is known, began riding as a junior high school student and took up eventing at University.
- Yoshiaki Ogasawara
Yoshiaki Ogasawara (小笠原 義明, Ogasawara Yoshiaki, born 29 April 1954) is a Japanese former cyclist.
- Yoshiaki Nishimura
Yoshiaki Nishimura (西村 義明, Nishimura Yoshiaki, born September 25, 1977 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese lead film producer formerly of Studio Ghibli and founder of the company Studio Ponoc.
- Yoshiaki Shikishi
Yoshiaki Shikishi (敷石 義秋, Shikishi Yoshiaki, born 6 October 1941) is a Japanese former swimmer.
- Yoshiaki Kinoshita
Yoshiaki Kinoshita (木下 淑晶, Kinoshita Yoshiaki, born June 12, 1990) is a former Japanese football player.
- Yoshiaki Takahashi
Yoshiaki Takahashi (高橋 良秋, Takahashi Yoshiaki, born 28 September 1963) is a Japanese boxer.
- Yoshiaki Kyoya
Yoshiaki Kyoya (京谷 佳明, Kyōya Yoshiaki, born 5 April 1951) is a Japanese former ice hockey player.
- Yoshiaki Demachi
Yoshiaki Demachi (出町 嘉明, Demachi Yoshiaki, born 18 August 1943) is a Japanese speed skater.
- Yoshiaki Kikuchi
Yoshiaki Kikuchi (菊池 禎晃, Kikuchi Yoshiaki, born 22 July 1995) is a Japanese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Portuguese side Leixões in LigaPro.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Yoshiaki Numerology: Name Yoshiaki has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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