What does the name Yehuda mean? What is the meaning of the name Yehuda?
Meaning of Yehuda: Name Yehuda in the Hebrew, Jewish origin, means God will be praised. Name Yehuda is of Hebrew, Jewish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Yehuda are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Yehuda (Namesakes)
- Yehuda Boaron
Yehuda Boaron is a former Israeli footballer.
- Yehuda Levi
Yehuda Levi (Hebrew: יהודה לוי; born June 29, 1979) is an Israeli actor and male model.
- Yehuda Bauer
Yehuda Bauer (Hebrew: יהודה באואר; born April 6, 1926) is an Israeli historian and scholar of the Holocaust.
- Yehuda Poliker
Yehuda Poliker (Hebrew: יהודה פוליקר; born December 25, 1950) is an Israeli singer, songwriter, musician, and painter.
- Yehuda Lancry
Dr Yehuda Lancry (Hebrew: יהודה לנקרי, Arabic: يهودا لانكري; born 25 September 1947) is a former Israeli politician and ambassador to France and the United Nations.
- Yehuda Harel
Yehuda Harel (Hebrew: יהודה הראל, born 11 November 1934) is a former Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for The Third Way between 1996 and 1999.
- Yehuda Barkan
Yehuda Barkan (Hebrew: יהודה ברקן; born March 29, 1945) is an Israeli actor, film producer, film director and screenwriter.
- Yehuda Weisenstein
Yehuda Weisenstein (Hebrew: יהודה וינשטיין; born 11 March 1955), known also as Moshe Yehuda Weinstein, is a former Israeli fencer.
- Yehuda Saado
Yehuda Saado (in Hebrew יהודה סעדו also written Sa'ado) (born in Jerusalem on 29 April 1983) is an Israeli singer and the winner of the third season of the Israeli music competition program Kokhav Nolad.
- Yehuda Glantz
Yehuda Julio Glantz (Hebrew: יהודה חוליו גלאנץ; born March 19, 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a musician, composer, singer, songwriter and producer living in Jerusalem Israel.
- Nadav Ben Yehuda
Nadav Ben Yehuda (Hebrew: נדב בן יהודה, born February 29, 1988) is an Israeli mountain climber, search and rescue professional, photographer and speaker.
- Yehuda Maayan
Yehuda Maayan (Hebrew: יהודה מעין; also Mayan; born April 19, 1955) is an Israeli former Olympic competitive sailor, and Chairman of the Israel Sailing Association.
- Ralli Ben-Yehuda
Ralli Ben-Yehuda (ראלי בן יהודה; born September 26, 1934) is an Israeli former Olympic gymnast.
She was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, and is Jewish.
- Yehuda Zadok
Yehuda Zadok (also "Tzadok"; יהודה צדוק; born December 29, 1958) is an Israeli former Olympic runner.
- Yehuda Atedji
Yehuda Atedji (יהודה אטדגי; born June 14, 1961) is an Israeli former Olympic windsurfer.
He was born in Israel, and is Jewish.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Yehuda Numerology: Name Yehuda has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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