What does the name Yaseen mean? What is the meaning of the name Yaseen
Meaning of Yaseen: Name Yaseen means One of The Prophet Muhammad's Names. Name Yaseen is a Boy name. People with name Yaseen are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Yaseen (Namesakes)
- Anas Bani Yaseen
Anas Walid Khaled Bani Yaseen (Arabic: أنس وليد خالد بني ياسين) (born 29 November 1988) is a Jordanian footballer who plays as a centre-back for Al-Markhiya and the Jordan national team.
- Bashar Bani Yaseen
Bashar Mustafa Bani Yaseen (Arabic: بشار مصطفى بني ياسين; born 1 June 1977) is a Jordanian footballer who plays as a defender.
- Asaad Ali Yaseen
Asaad Ali Yaseen (Arabic: أسعد علي ياسين) (born 3 February 1953), is an Iraqi former politician and a businessman, he was the Iraqi ambassador to Sofia, Bulgaria, appointed by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2009, former ambassador of Iraq to Yemen 2010-2012 and was the president of Samarra’s city council from 2006 till 2007, was an officer in the Ministry of Trade from 1971 to 1980, also a leading contractor for many projects in Iraq from 1981 to 1986.
- Moataz Yaseen
Moataz Yaseen Mahjoub Al-Fityani (Arabic: معتز ياسين محجوب الفتياني; born 3 November 1982) is a Jordanian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Al-Faisaly and the Jordan national football team.
- Yaseen al-Bakhit
Yaseen Anas Al-Bakhit (Arabic: ياسين انس البخيت; born March 24, 1989) is a Jordanian footballer who plays for Al Dhafra as an attacking midfielder for the Jordan national football team.
- Yaseen Vallie
Mohammad Yaseen Vallie, or otherwise known as Yaseen Vallie (born 30 July 1989) is a South African cricketer who plays for the Warriors.
- Yaseen al-Sheyadi
Yaseen Khalil Abdullah al-Sheyadi (Arabic: ياسين خليل عبدالله الشيادي; born 5 February 1994), commonly known as Yaseen al-Sheyadi, is an Omani footballer who plays for Al-Suwaiq Club.
- Yaseen Valli
Yaseen Valli (born 3 June 1995) is a South African first-class cricketer.
- Mohammed Dawood Yaseen
Mohammed Dawood Yaseen (Arabic: محمد داود ياسين, born 22 November 2000), is an Iraqi footballer who plays as a forward.
- Abdulla Yaseen
Abdulla Yaseen (born 6 October 1998) is a Bahraini handball player for Shabab and the Bahraini national team.
- Taha Hussein Yaseen
Taha Hussein Yaseen (Arabic: طه حسين ياسين; born 1 January 1998) is an Iraqi sprinter specialising in the 400 metres.
- Mohammed Yaseen Mohammed
Mohammed Yaseen Mohammed (born 7 January 1963) is an Iraqi weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Yaseen Numerology: Name Yaseen has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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