What does the name Yael mean? What is the meaning of the name Yael
Meaning of Yael: Name Yael in the Hebrew, Middle East origin, means Mountain goat. Name Yael is of Hebrew, Middle East origin and is a Boy name. People with name Yael are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Yael (Namesakes)
- Yael Goldman
Yael Goldman-Pfeffer (Hebrew: יעל גולדמן; born 24 September 1978) is an Israeli actress, TV host and model.
- Yael Abecassis
Yael Abecassis (Hebrew: יעל אבקסיס; born 19 July 1967) is an Israeli actress and model.
- Yael Dayan
Yaël Dayan (Hebrew: יעל דיין, born 12 February 1939) is an Israeli politician and author.
- Yael Bar Zohar
Yael Bar Zohar (Hebrew: יעל בר זוהר; born January 29, 1980) is an Israeli actress, model and television host.
- Yael Arad
Yael Arad (Hebrew: יעל ארד; born May 1, 1967) is an Israeli judoka.
- Yael German
Yael German (Hebrew: יעל גרמן, born 4 August 1947) is an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Yesh Atid and the Blue and White alliance between 2013 and 2020.
- Yael Naim
Yael Naim (Hebrew: יעל נעים, born 6 February 1978 in Paris, France), is an Israeli-French singer-songwriter.
- Yael Yuzon
- Yael Averbuch
Yael Averbuch West (born November 3, 1986) is the executive director of the National Women's Soccer League Players Association.
- Yael Grobglas
Yael Grobglas (Hebrew: יעל גרובגלס; born 31 May 1984) is an Israeli actress, best known for her roles as Petra Solano and her twin sister Anežka on The CW's television series Jane the Virgin.
- Yael Meyer
Yael Meyer (born Yael Elisa Meyer Barbarach, June 13, 1981) is a Los Angeles-based singer, songwriter, musician and producer.
- Yael Tal
Yael Tal (Hebrew: יעל טל; born 26 May 1983 in Tel Aviv) is an Israeli actress, whose work spans film, theater, television and voice acting for animated shows.
- Yael Cohen
Yael Cohen Braun (born November 5, 1986) is a South African / Canadian businesswoman, and a co-founder of Fuck Cancer, a health organization working for early detection and prevention of cancer.
- Yael Stone
Yael Stone (born 6 March 1985) is an Australian actress.
- Vasupujya
- Yael Shelbia
Yael Shelbia (Hebrew: יעל שלביה, born Yael Shelbia Cohen; August 31, 2001) is an Israeli fashion model and actress.
- Yael Segal
Yael Segal (Hebrew: יעל סגל) (born 21 July 1972) is a former Israeli professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Yael Numerology: Name Yael has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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