What does the name Xenia mean? What is the meaning of the name Xenia?
Meaning of Xenia: Name Xenia in the Ancient Greek, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin, means Hospitality. Name Xenia is of Ancient Greek, यूनानी (ग्रीक) origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Xenia (Namesakes)
- Xenia Goodwin
Xenia Goodwin (born 7 February 1994) is an Australian actress and dancer.
- Xenia Seeberg
Xenia Seeberg (birthname Anke Wesenberg, born 4 April 1967 in Geldern, West Germany) is a film and television actress.
- Xenia Tchoumitcheva
- Xenia (singer)
Xenia Edith Martinez (born December 17, 1994), known mononymously as Xenia, is an American singer who came in second place on Blake Shelton's team on the first season of The Voice.
- Xenia Kalogeropoulou
Xenia Kalogeropoulou (Greek: Ξένια Καλογεροπούλου; born September 12, 1936) is a Greek actress, who appeared in both Greek and English-speaking films in her career.
- Xenia Jankovic
Xenia Jankovic (born 26 October 1958) is a Serbian-Russian cellist.
- Xenia Peni
Xenia Peni (born February 28, 1983) is a Papua New Guinean former swimmer, who specialized in breaststroke events.
- Xenia Smits
Xenia Smits (born 22 April 1994) is a Belgian-born German handball player for Metz Handball and the German national team.
- Xenia Ghali
Xenia Ghali (born 1989) is a Greek songwriter, record producer and disc jockey.
- Xenia Estrada
- Xenia Deli
Xenia Deli (Russian: Ксения Дели, born 27 October 1989) is a Moldovan-American model.
- Xenia Rubinos
Xenia Rubinos (born July 24, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
- Antonia Xenia Tout
Antonia Xenia Tout (born 2 July 1986) is a Romanian former professional tennis player.
- Xenia Staffelbach
Xenia Staffelbach (born 16 March 1998) is a Swiss volleyball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Xenia Numerology: Name Xenia has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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