What does the name Wissam mean? What is the meaning of the name Wissam
Meaning of Wissam: Name Wissam means Order. Name Wissam is a Boy name. People with name Wissam are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Wissam (Namesakes)
- Wissam Zaki
Wissam Zaki (Arabic: وسام زكي born 5 August 1986 in Iraq) is an Iraqi former professional footballer who last played for Al-Talaba.
- Wissam El Bekri
Wissam El Bekri (born 16 June 1984 in Thiais) is a French-Tunisian football defender.
- Wissam Gassid
Wissam Gassid Kadhim Al-Jaberi (Arabic: وسام كاصد, born 13 February 1981 in Baghdad, Iraq) known as Wissam Kassid is an Iraqi goalkeeper.
- Wissam Tarif
Wissam Kassem Tarif (born 10 April 1975) has played a key role in the field of pro-Democracy and Human Rights work in Syria and Lebanon, as both an intellectual and activist.
- Wissam Kadhim
Wissam Kadhim (Arabic: وسام كاظم) (born January 1986 in Iraq) is an Iraqi football (soccer) midfielder.
- Wissam Baraka
Wissam Baraka (born 13 June 1985) is a Moroccan footballer.
- Wissam Constantin
Wissam Constantin, is the first deaf professional player in the Lebanese Basketball League 1.92 m tall (6 ft 4 in) and 85 kg weight (187 lbs).
- Wissam Ben Yedder
Wissam Ben Yedder (born 12 August 1990) is a French professional footballer who plays as a striker for Ligue 1 club AS Monaco.
- Wissam Boustany
Wissam Boustany (born October 1, 1960) is a Lebanese/British concert flutist.
- Wissam Assimi
Wissam Assimi (Arabic: حمادة غانم, Hebrew: ויסאם עיסמי; born 12 July 1976) is a retired Israeli footballer who now works as a manager.
- Wissam Saadoun
Wissam Saedon, (born July 1, 1990) is an Iraqi professional footballer who currently plays for Naft Maysan in the Iraqi Premier League.
- Wissam Toubal
Wissam Toubal (born 18 January 1984), is an Algerian Woman International Master (WIM, 2005).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Wissam Numerology: Name Wissam has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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