What does the name Wahid mean? What is the meaning of the name Wahid
Meaning of Wahid: Name Wahid means unique, matchless, singular. Name Wahid is a Boy name. People with name Wahid are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Wahid (Namesakes)
- Habib Wahid
Habib Wahid (born 15 October 1979) is a Bangladeshi composer and singer.
- Hossein Wahid Khorasani
Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hossein Wahid Khorasani (Persian: حسین وحید خراسانی; born Muhammad-Husayn Mulla-Salih; January 1, 1921) is an Iranian Shia marja'.
He is the current head of the Qom Seminary.
- Wahid Sali
Wahid Mohammed Sali (born 11 December 1985) is an Indian football player who currently plays for Bhawanipore in the I-League 2nd Division.
- Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut
Haji Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut (born 29 September 1957) was the Member of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Kuala Terengganu constituency in Terengganu (2009 to 2013) the Member of the State Assembly of Terengganu for the seat of Wakaf Mempelam (1990 to 2013), sitting as a member of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS).
Abdul Wahid—an ally of PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang—was elected to Federal Parliament in a by-election for Kuala Terengganu on 17 January 2009 after the death of the incumbent member from the governing Barisan Nasional coalition.
- Hosne Ara Wahid
Hosne Ara Wahid (born 28 February 1955) is a former member of the Bangladesh Parliament, having served from 1996 to 2001.
- Wahid El Fattal
Wahid El Fattal (Arabic: وحيد الفتال; born 1 January 1978) is a Lebanese former professional footballer who is the goalkeeping coach for Lebanon.
- Hussein Ali Wahid
Hussein Ali Wahid (Arabic: حسين علي واحد) (born 8 October 1992) is an Iraqi footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Al-Najaf FC.
- Wahyudi Wahid
Wahyudi bin Abdul Wahid (born 29 October 1989) is a Singaporean professional footballer who currently plays as a defender for Hougang United in the S.League.
- Hussein Abdul-Wahid Khalaf
Hussein Abdul-Wahid (born 19 January 1993 in Basra, Iraq) is an Iraqi football midfielder.
- Wahid Yudhi Sulistianto
Wahid Yudhi Sulistianto (born 22 August 1972) is an Indonesian judoka.
- Mahmoud Wahid
Mahmoud Wahid (Arabic: محمود وحيد; born 1 January 1994), is an Egyptian footballer who plays for Egyptian Premier League side Al Ahly as a left-back.
- Wahid Al Khyat
Wahid Mohammed Mohammed Al-Khyat (born 1 January 1986) is a Yemeni international footballer who plays for Al-Ahli Club Sana'a as a midfielder.
- Chaturi
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Wahid Numerology: Name Wahid has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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