What does the name Vsevolod mean? What is the meaning of the name Vsevolod?
Meaning of Vsevolod: Name Vsevolod in the Norman origin, means All rule. Name Vsevolod is of Norman origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vsevolod are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Vsevolod (Namesakes)
- Vsevolod Romanenko
Vsevolod Romanenko (born 24 March 1977 in Kiev, in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union) is a Ukrainian footballer who currently plays for Ukrainian Premier League club FC Volyn Lutsk.
- Vsevolod Zhuravlyov
Vsevolod Svyatoslavovich Zhuravlyov (Russian: Всеволод Святославович Журавлёв; born 27 December 1978) is a former Russian professional football player.
- Vsevolod Sorokin
Vsevolod Sorokin (Сорокин, Всеволод Кириллович ; born October 29, 1993) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Vsevolod Starukhin
Vsevolod Starukhin (Russian: Всеволод Анатольевич Старухин; born 13 December 1971 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan) is the chief executive officer of DTEK Energy.
- Vsevolod Shilovsky
Vsevolod Nikolaevich Shilovsky (Russian: Все́волод Никола́евич Шило́вский; born June 3, 1938, Moscow ) is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1986).
- Vsevolod Zanko
Vsevolod Zanko (born 30 July 1995) is a Russian swimmer, born in Moscow.
- Vsevolod Tkachuk
Vsevolod Tkachuk (Russian: Все́волод Ткачук, IPA: [vseˈvolod tkatchuˈk] (listen);)
Soviet and Russian biochemist.
- Vsevolod Chentsov
Vsevolod Chentsov (Ukrainian: Всеволод Валерійович Ченцов) (born in 1974) is Ukraine's embassador to the Netherlands from March 2017.
- Vsevolod Yanchevski
Vsevolod Yanchevsky (Yanchevsky, Russian: Всеволод Вячеславович Янчевский, Belarusian: Усевалад Янчэўскі, Usievalad Yancheuski, born April 22, 1976) is a Belarusian political and public person.
- Vsevolod Sadovsky
Vsevolod Sadovsky (Belarusian: Усевалад Садоўскі; Russian: Всеволод Садовский; born 4 October 1996) is a Belarusian professional footballer.
- Vsevolod Kukushkin
Vsevolod Vladimirovich Kukushkin (Russian: Всеволод Владимирович Кукушкин; born 3 May 1942) is a Russian journalist, writer and ice hockey administrator.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Vsevolod Numerology: Name Vsevolod has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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