What does the name Vlastimil mean? What is the meaning of the name Vlastimil?
Meaning of Vlastimil: Name Vlastimil in the Slovak origin, means Power-favor. Name Vlastimil is of Slovak origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vlastimil are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Vlastimil (Namesakes)
- Vlastimil Hort
Vlastimil Hort (born 12 January 1944) is a Czechoslovak-born German chess Grandmaster.
- Vlastimil Černý
Vlastimil Černý (born April 7, 1963) is a former butterfly and freestyle swimmer, who competed for Canada at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.
- Vlastimil Kroupa
Vlastimil Kroupa (born April 27, 1975 in Most, Czechoslovakia) is a retired Czech professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Vlastimil Jansa
Vlastimil Jansa (born November 27, 1942) is a Czech chess player.
- Vlastimil Vidlička
Vlastimil Vidlička (born 2 July 1981) is a Czech football defender currently playing for SK Sigma Olomouc in the Czech Republic.
- Vlastimil Stožický
Vlastimil Stožický (born 19 August 1983) is a Czech football midfielder who currently plays for FK Viktoria Žižkov.
- Vlastimil Fuňák
Alexander Radčenko (born October 2, 1982) is a Slovak handball player, currently playing for 1.MHK Košice in the Slovak Extraliga.
- Vlastimil Daníček
Vlastimil Daníček (born 15 July 1991) is a Czech football player who currently plays for Slovácko.
- Vlastimil Babula
Vlastimil Babula (born 2 October 1973 in Uherský Brod) is a chess grandmaster from the Czech Republic, Czech Champion in 1993 and second at the World Junior Championship of 1993.
- Vlastimil Karal
Vlastimil Karal (born 26 April 1983) is a Czech football defender currently playing for Bohemians Prague in the Czech 2.
- Vlastimil Burda
Vlastimil Burda (born November 4, 1975) is a Czech former swimmer, who specialized in long-distance freestyle events.
- Vlastimil Třešňák
Vlastimil Třešňák (born 26 April 1950 in Prague) is a Czech singer-songwriter and writer.
- Vlastimil Hrubý
Vlastimil Hrubý (born 21 February 1985) is a Czech professional football player currently playing for Jablonec as a goalkeeper.
- Vlastimil Lakosil
Vlastimil Lakosil (born July 4, 1979) is a Czech ice hockey goaltender.
- Vlastimil Veselý
Vlastimil Veselý (born 6 May 1993 in Brno) is a Czech football player who currently plays for FC Vysočina Jihlava in Czech National Football League.
- Vlastimil Dostálek
Vlastimil Dostálek (born August 23, 1994) is a Czech professional ice hockey player.
- Vlastimil Zwiefelhofer
Vlastimil Zwiefelhofer (born 20 November 1952) is a Czech long-distance runner.
- Vlastimil Havlík
Vlastimil Havlík (born 26 January 1957) is a Czech basketball player.
- Vlastimil Lenert
Vlastimil Lenert (born 20 February 1950) is a Czech volleyball player.
- Vlastimil Plavucha
Vlastimil Plavucha (born 6 November 1968) is a Slovak ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Vlastimil Numerology: Name Vlastimil has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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