What does the name Vít mean? What is the meaning of the name Vít
Meaning of Vít: Name Vít in the Czech, Slovak origin, means Life. Name Vít is of Czech, Slovak origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vít are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Vít (Namesakes)
- Vít Valenta
Vít Valenta (born 4 January 1984 in Uherské Hradiště) is a former Czech professional football player.
- Vít Štětina
Vít Štětina (born 29 September 1989) is a Czech football player who plays for Czech second division side SK Sulko Zábřeh.
- Vít Baránek
Vít Baránek (born 27 September 1974) is a former Czech football goalkeeper.
- Vít Bárta
Vít Bárta (born 5 December 1973) is a Czech politician and businessman who served as Minister of Transport from 2010 to 2011 and as Member of the Chamber of Deputies (MP) from 2010 to 2013.
- Vít Jonák
Vít Jonak (born July 17, 1991) is a Czech professional ice hockey player who currently plays with VHK Vsetín in the Czech 1.liga.
- Vít Beneš
Vít Beneš (born 12 August 1988) is a Czech footballer who currently plays for Sigma Olomouc in the Czech First League.
- Vít Kremlička
Vít Kremlička (born 22 October 1962) is a Czech poet and writer.
- Vít Vrtělka
Vít Vrtělka (born 21 October 1982) is a professional Czech football player who currently plays for FK Baník Sokolov.
- Vít Přindiš
Vít Přindiš (born 14 April 1989 is a Czech slalom canoeist who has competed at the international level since 2005.)
He won five medals at the ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships with a gold (K1 team: 2017), three silvers (K1: 2017, K1 team: 2014, 2019) and a bronze (K1 team: 2018).
- Vít Jedlička
Vít Jedlička (Czech: [ˈviːt ˈjɛdlɪtʃka]; born 6 September 1983) is a Czech politician, publicist and activist, currently serving as the President of the Free Republic of Liberland.
- Vít Christov
Vít Christov (born August 30, 1996) is a Czech professional ice hockey player.
- Vít Müller
Vít Müller (born 31 August 1996) is a Czech athlete specialising in the 400 metres hurdles. He won a bronze medal in the 4 × 400 metres relay at the 2017 Summer Universiade.
- Vít Fousek Jr.
Vít Fousek Jr. (born 29 April 1940) is a Czech cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Vít Numerology: Name Vít has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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