What does the name Vinko mean? What is the meaning of the name Vinko
Meaning of Vinko: Name Vinko in the Croatian origin, means Conquering, a man with conquering and leadership qualities.. Name Vinko is of Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vinko are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Vinko (Namesakes)
- Vinko Puljić
Vinko Puljić (pronounced [ʋîːŋko pǔːʎit͜ɕ]; born September 8, 1945) is a Bosnian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Vinko Brešan
Vinko Brešan (Croatian pronunciation: [ʋîːŋko brěʃan]; born 3 February 1964) is a Croatian film director who emerged into international renown with three critically acclaimed and award-winning films that, each in its own way, broke some of the perceived taboos of Croatian cinema in the 1990s.
- Vinko Begović
Vinko Begović (born October 2, 1948) is a Croatian football manager and former player.
- Vedran Vinko
- Vinko Marinović
Vinko Marinović (born 3 March 1971) is a Bosnian professional football manager and former player who is the manager of Bosnian Premier League club Sarajevo.
- Vinko Jelovac
Vinko Jelovac (alternate spelling: Vinto Jelovac) (born November 18, 1948 in Pazin, SR Croatia, Yugoslavia) is a former Slovenian-Croatian professional basketball player and coach.
- Vinko Buden
Vinko Buden (born 18 January 1986 in Zagreb) is a Croatian footballer who plays for Romanian club Ceahlăul Piatra Neamț as a defender.
- Vinko Möderndorfer
Vinko Möderndorfer (born 22 September 1958) is a Slovene writer, poet, playwright and theatre and film director.
Möderndorfer was born in Celje in 1958.
- Vinko Polončič
Vinko Polončič (born 13 July 1957) is a Yugoslav former cyclist.
- Vinko Kraljević
Vinko Kraljević (born 16 March 1952) is a Croatian actor.
- Vinko Međimorec
Vinko Međimorec (born 1 June 1996 in Koprivnica) is a Croatian footballer who currently plays as a defender for NK Slaven Belupo.
- Vinko Soldo
Vinko Soldo (born 15 February 1998) is a Croatian football player who plays as centre-back for Croatian club Slaven Belupo on loan from GNK Dinamo Zagreb.
- Vinko Vrbanić
Vinko Vrbanić (born 1951 in Novi Varoš) is a Croatian writer who lives in Vinkovci, Croatia.
- Vinko Galušić
Vinko Galušić (born 16 July 1954) is a Yugoslav racewalker.
- Vinko Valentar
Vinko Valentar (born 21 March 1934) is a Slovenian ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Vinko Numerology: Name Vinko has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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