What does the name Viktorija mean? What is the meaning of the name Viktorija
Meaning of Viktorija: Name Viktorija in the Croatian origin, means Croatian form of Victoria, meaning victory.. Name Viktorija is of Croatian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Viktorija are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Viktorija: Croatian form of Victoria, meaning victory.
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Famous people with name Viktorija (Namesakes)
- Viktorija Zaičikova
Viktorija Zaičikova (born 4 August 2000) is a Latvian footballer who plays as a forward and has appeared for the Latvia women's national team.
- Viktorija
Snežana Mišković (Serbian: Снежана Мишковић; pronounced [sněʒana mîʃkoʋitɕ]; born December 19, 1958), better known by her stage name Viktorija (Викторија; [ʋǐktoːrija]), is a Serbian female rock singer known for her raspy voice.
- Viktorija Čmilytė
Viktorija Čmilytė (born 6 August 1983), also known as Čmilytė-Nielsen, is a Lithuanian chess player and politician.
- Viktorija Rajicic
Viktorija Rajicic (Serbian: Викторија Рајичић, Viktorija Rajičić, pronounced [ʋǐktoːrija rǎjitʃitɕ]; born 7 April 1994) is an Australian former tennis player.
- Viktorija Budrytė-Winnersjo
Viktorija Budrytė-Winnersjo (née Budrytė; born 12 October 1989), known as Viktorija Budrytė, is a Lithuanian former footballer who played as a forward.
- Viktorija Golubic
Viktorija Golubic (Serbian: Викторија Голубић / Viktorija Golubić, pronounced [ʋǐktoːrija ɡolǔbitɕ]; born 16 October 1992, in Zürich) is a Swiss tennis player.
- Viktorija Ni
Viktorija Ni (born December 30, 1991) is a Latvian and American chess player.
- Viktorija Loba
Viktorija Loba (Macedonian: Викторија Лоба; Russian: Виктория Лоба, born 17 October 1988) is a Russian-born Macedonian singer.
- Viktorija Todorovska
Viktorija Todorovska (born 26 November 2000) is a Macedonian cross-country skier.
- Viktorija Panchurova
Viktorija Panchurova (Macedonian: Викторија Панчурова; born 25 December 1999) is a North Macedonian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for 1.
- Viktorija Doneva
Viktorija Doneva (Macedonian: Викторија Донева; born 24 October 1991) is a North Macedonian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Bulgarian Women's Championship club FC NSA Sofia.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Viktorija Numerology: Name Viktorija has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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