What does the name Vasile mean? What is the meaning of the name Vasile
Meaning of Vasile: Name Vasile in the Greek, Romanian origin, means Romanian form of Vasilios, meaning king.. Name Vasile is of Greek, Romanian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vasile are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Vasile: Romanian form of Vasilios, meaning king.
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Famous people with name Vasile (Namesakes)
- Vasile Păcuraru
Vasile "Vasilică" Păcuraru (born 11 June 1987) is a Romanian former professional football player who played as a right-back.
- Vasile Avădanei
Vasile Valentin Avădanei (born 30 December 1979) is a Romanian former football player and played as a defender.
- Vasile Marchiș
Vasile Marchiş (born 22 February 1972 in Bistra, Maramureș, Romania) is a Romanian football player who currently plays for Kakkonen's Pallo-Iirot as a central defender.
- Vasile Carauș
Vasile Carauș (born 6 August 1988) is a Moldovan professional football player.
- Vasile Tărâțeanu
Vasile Tărâţeanu (born September 27, 1945 in Nijni Sinivtsi) is a writer and activist from Ukraine.
- Vasile Mănăilă
Vasile Mănăilă (born 22 November 1962 in Feteşti) is a Romanian football coach and a former player who played as a defender.
- Vasile Rus
Vasile Sorin Rus (born 21 October 1983, Feldru (Bistriţa-Năsăud), Romania) is a retired Romanian rugby union footballer.
- Nicolae Vasile
Nicolae Vasile (born 29 December 1995) is a Romanian professional footballer who last played for Arandina CF in the Spanish Tercera División.
- Vasile Coșelev
Vasile Coșelev (Russian: Василий Илларионович Кошелев; born 12 February 1972 in Chișinău) is a former Moldovan football player.
- Vasile Mogoș
Vasile Mogoș (born 31 October 1992) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays for Italian Serie B club Cremonese as a defender.
- Vasile Jercălău
Vasile Jercălău (born 5 May 1968) is a Romanian former professional footballer.
- Vasile Mihai
- Vasile Stefu
Vasile Stefu (born 26 July 2000) is a Moldovan football player who plays as forward for Moldovan National Division club Spicul Chișcăreni.
- Vasile Ghioc
Vasile Ghioc (born February 28, 1978 in Bucharest) is a former Romanian rugby union player.
- Bogdan Vasile
Bogdan Adrian Vasile (born 2 February 1995) is a Romanian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for ASU Politehnica Timișoara.
- Vasile Constantin
- Vasile Brătianu
Vasile Brătianu (born 13 August 1967) is a retired Romanian football defender.
- Vasile Șoiman
Vasile Șoiman (born 10 August 1960) is a Romanian former football midfielder.
- Vasile Seredai
- Chiemeka
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Vasile Numerology: Name Vasile has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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