What does the name Vasil mean? What is the meaning of the name Vasil
Meaning of Vasil: Name Vasil in the Greek, Bulgarian, Czech origin, means Bulgarian form of Basil, meaning king.. Name Vasil is of Greek, Bulgarian, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Vasil are usually Christianity, Greek by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Vasil: Bulgarian form of Basil, meaning king.
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Famous people with name Vasil (Namesakes)
- Vasil Kiryienka
Vasili Vasilyevich Kiryienka (Belarusian: Васіль Васілевіч Кірыенка; Łacinka: Vasil Vasilevič Kiryjenka) (born 28 June 1981) is a Belarusian former racing cyclist, who rode professionally between 2006 and 2020 for the OTC Doors, Rietumu Banka–Riga, Tinkoff Credit Systems, Movistar Team and Team Ineos squads.
- Vasil Naydenov
Vassil Naydenov (Cyrillic: Васил Найденов) is a Bulgarian singer-songwriter who was popular in his native country and the Eastern bloc during the late 1970s and 1980s.
- Vasil Varlamos
Vasil Varlamos (born 17 June 1942) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for Carlton in the Victorian Football League (VFL) during the early 1960s.
- Vasil Ringov
Vasil Ringov (Macedonian: Bacил Pингoв, born 17 April 1955) is a retired Yugoslav football player.
- Vasil Velev
Vasil Velev (Bulgarian: Васил Велев; born 15 January 1984) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Botev Ihtiman.
- Vasil Shkurti
Vasil Shkurti (born Vassilis Skourtis-Shkurtaj on 27 February 1992) is an Albanian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Kukësi.
- Vasil Dragolov
Vasil Dragolov (Bulgarian: Васил Драголов) (born 17 March 1962) is a former Bulgarian footballer, who played as a forward.
- Vasil Binev
Vasil Georgiev Binev (Bulgarian: Васил Георгиев Бинев) (born October 13, 1957) is a Bulgarian actor.
- Vasil Tachev
Vasil Tachev (Bulgarian: Васил Тачев; born 7 January 1992) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a striker for Oborishte Panagyurishte.
- Vasil Kaloyanov
Vasil Kaloyanov (Bulgarian: Васил Калоянов; born 13 July 1988) is a Bulgarian football player, currently playing as a forward for Sportist Svoge.
- Vasil Lobzhanidze
Vasil Lobzhanidze (Georgian: ვასილ ლობჟანიძე; born 14 October 1996) is a Georgian rugby union player.
- Vasil Bozhinov
Vasil Bozhinov (Bulgarian: Васил Божинов; born 8 December 1996) is a Bulgarian footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for Vihren Sandanski.
- Vasil Shopov
Vasil Shopov (Bulgarian: Васил Шопов; born 9 November 1991) is a Bulgarian footballer who currently plays for CSKA 1948 Sofia as a midfielder.
- Vasil Radev
Vasil Dimitrov Radev (Bulgarian: Васил Димитров Радев) (born 13 January 1961) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Vasil Paparizov
Vasil Paparizov (born 22 February 1934) is a Bulgarian boxer.
- Vasil Bozhilov
Vasil Bozhilov (born 18 September 1967) is a Bulgarian biathlete.
- Vasil Vetsev
Vasil Vetsev (born 21 January 1974) is a Bulgarian gymnast.
- Vasil Nanov
Vasil Nanov (born 27 February 1959) is a Bulgarian water polo player.
- Vasil Garvanliev
Vasil Garvanliev (Macedonian: Васил Гарванлиев; born 2 November 1984 in Strumica, SR Macedonia, SFR Yugoslavia), is a Macedonian child prodigy star, choir soloist, a classical opera singer and a pop singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Vasil Numerology: Name Vasil has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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