What does the name Vanda mean? What is the meaning of the name Vanda
Meaning of Vanda: Name Vanda in the Romanian, German origin, means A warrior. Name Vanda is of Romanian, German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Vanda are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Vanda (Namesakes)
- Harry Vanda
Johannes Hendrikus Jacob van den Berg (born 22 March 1946), better known his stage name Harry Vanda, is a Dutch Australian musician, songwriter and record producer.
- Matt Vanda
Matt Vanda, nicknamed the Predator, is a middleweight boxer from east Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
- Vanda Hădărean
Vanda Maria Hădărean (born May 3, 1976 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania) is a retired Romanian artistic gymnast who competed in international events between 1990 and 1993.
- Michael Vandas
- Vanda Lukács
Vanda Lukács (born 8 December 1992) is a Hungarian tennis player.
- Tomáš Vandas
Tomáš Vandas (Czech pronunciation: [ˈtomaːʃ ˈvandas]; born 3 March 1969) is a Czech far-right politician, who has been chairman of the non-parliamentary Workers' Party of Social Justice since 2003.
- Vanda Baranović
Vanda Baranović-Urukalo (born 3 October 1971 in Šibenik, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Yugoslavian and Croatian female basketball player.
- Vanda Pignato
Vanda Guiomar Pignato (born February 16, 1963) is a Brazilian-born Salvadoran lawyer, human rights activist, politician, women's rights activist, and former First Lady of El Salvador from 2009 until 2014.
- Vanda Maslovska
Vanda Oleksandrivna Maslovska (Ванда Олександрівна Масловська, born (1980-04-21)21 April 1980) was a Ukrainian female weightlifter, competing in the 69 kg category and representing Ukraine at international competitions.
- Vanda Hybnerová
Vanda Hybnerová (born 30 September 1968) is a Czech stage and film actress.
- Vanda Sigurgeirsdóttir
Halldóra Vanda Sigurgeirsdóttir (born 28 June 1965) is an Icelandic former multi-sport athlete who played both for the Icelandic national football team and the Icelandic national basketball team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Vanda Numerology: Name Vanda has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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