What does the name Valerie mean? What is the meaning of the name Valerie?
Meaning of Valerie: Name Valerie in the Dominican Republic, French origin, means A woman who is brave and valiant.. Name Valerie is of Dominican Republic, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Valerie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Valerie (Namesakes)
- Valerie Perrine
Valerie Ritchie Perrine (born September 3, 1943) is a retired American actress and model.
- Valerie Singleton
Valerie Singleton (born 9 April 1937) is an English television and radio presenter best known as a presenter of the popular children's series Blue Peter from 1962 to 1972.
- Valerie Plame
Valerie Elise Plame Wilson (née Plame, August 13, 1963), is an American writer, spy novelist, and former officer who worked at the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
- Valerie Bertinelli
Valerie Anne Bertinelli (born April 23, 1960) is an American actress and television personality.
- Valerie Leon
Valerie Leon (born 12 November 1943) is an English actress who had roles in a number of high-profile British film productions, including the Carry On series.
- Valerie Mahaffey
Valerie Mahaffey (born June 16, 1953) is an American actress and producer .
- Valerie Domínguez
Valerie Domínguez Tarud (born January 12, 1981 in Barranquilla) is a Colombian actress, model, designer and beauty pageant titleholder who represented her country at Miss Universe 2006 where she finished in the Top 10.
- Valerie Jackson
Valerie Jackson (born Valerie Richardson on April 3, 1949 in Richmond, Virginia) is an American radio host, philanthropist, and former advertising executive.
- Valerie Jarrett
Valerie June Jarrett (née Bowman; born November 14, 1956) is an American businesswoman and former government official.
- Valerie Tian
Valerie Tian (born April 21, 1989) is a Canadian actress.
- Valerie Azlynn
Valerie Azlynn (born November 25, 1980) is an American actress.
- Valerie Vaz
Valerie Carol Marian Vaz (born 7 December 1954) is a British Labour Party politician and solicitor serving as Shadow Leader of the House of Commons in the Shadow Cabinets of Jeremy Corbyn and Sir Keir Starmer since 2016, and has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Walsall South since 2010.
- Valerie Thomas
Valerie L. Thomas (born February 8, 1943) is an American scientist and inventor.
- Valerie Pachner
Valerie Pachner (born 26 June 1987) is an Austrian actress.
- Valerie Mars
Valerie Anne Mars (born 20 January 1959) is an American billionaire heiress and businesswoman.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Valerie Numerology: Name Valerie has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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