What does the name Unni mean? What is the meaning of the name Unni?
Meaning of Unni: Name Unni in the Indian origin, means Lead. Name Unni is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Unni are usually Hindu by religion.
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Unni
Famous people with name Unni (Namesakes)
- Varun Unni
Varun Unni is an Indian composer and singer.
- Vidhya Unni
- Divyaa Unni
Divyaa Unni is an Indian classical dancer who teaches various forms of dance such as Bharathanatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniyattom.
- Unni Menon
Unni Menon is an Indian film playback singer.
- P. Unnikrishnan
Parakkal Unnikrishnan (born 9 July 1966) is an Indian Carnatic vocalist and playback singer.
- Unni Lindell
Unni Maria Lindell (born 3 April 1957 in Oslo) is a Norwegian writer.
- Unni Larsen
Unni Larsen (born 23 March 1959) is a Norwegian former racing cyclist and dogsled racer.
- Unni Anisdahl
Unni Marie Anisdahl (born 27 September 1947) is a Norwegian former handball player, and later sports reporter for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.
- Unni Løvlid
Unni Løvlid (born 23 March 1976) is a Norwegian musician.
- Unni Mukundan
Unnikrishnan Mukundan commonly known as Unni Mukundan (born 22 September 1987) is an Indian film actor, who predominantly appears in Malayalam films.
- Unni Wilhelmsen
Unni Elisabeth Wilhelmsen (born 12 July 1971) is a Norwegian singer, songwriter and musician.
- Unni Drougge
Unni Lis Jorunn Drougge, née Wennberg (born 1 April 1956) is a Swedish author, columnist and journalist.
- Unni R.
Jayachandran Parameswaran Nair (born 12 April 1971), better known by his stage name Unni R., is an Indian short-story writer and screenwriter, who is known for his work in Malayalam literature and Malayalam cinema.
- Unni Bernhoft
Unni Elisabeth Bernhoft (born 4 March 1933) is a Norwegian actress and tobacco retailer.
- Unni Holmen
Unni Holmen (born 23 September 1952) is a Norwegian artistic gymnast.
- Unni Turrettini
Unni Turrettini (born Unni Fredheim; July 8, 1972) is a writer, lawyer, citizen activist and international speaker on a mission to end loneliness and create a more connected society.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Unni Numerology: Name Unni has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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