What does the name Ulla mean? What is the meaning of the name Ulla?
Meaning of Ulla: Name Ulla in the German, Scandinavian origin, means Rich; Powerful; Elevation; Leaf; Young Child; Little Bear; To Fill Up; A diminutive of Ursula. Name Ulla is of German, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ulla: Rich; Powerful; Elevation; Leaf; Young Child; Little Bear; To Fill Up; A diminutive of Ursula
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Famous people with name Ulla (Namesakes)
- Ulla Petersen
Ulla Petersen (born 27 May 1933) is a Danish equestrian.
- Ulla Hansen
Ulla Hansen is a professor of biology and Director, Program in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry at Boston University.
- Ulla Skoog
Ulla Marie Skoog (born 23 February 1951) is a Swedish actress and comedian.
- Ulla Jones
Ulla Agneta Jones (née Andersson; born 18 June 1946), known professionally as Ulla Andersson and Ulla Jones is a Swedish photographer, actress, singer-songwriter, and retired model.
- Ulla Koivuranta
Ulla Koivuranta (born 19 March 1959 Vaasa, Finland) is a Finnish actress.
- Ulla-Lena Lundberg
Ulla-Lena Lundberg (born 14 July 1947, Kökar, Åland) is a Finland-Swedish author living in Porvoo, Finland.
- Ulla Pirttijärvi-Länsman
Ulla Pirttijärvi-Länsman is a Sami joik singer from the village of Angeli (Sami: Aŋŋel), Finland.
- Ulla Jäfvert
Ulla Birgitta Elisabeth Jäfvert (later Fahlén, born 16 April 1946) is a Swedish swimmer who won a silver medal in the 4 × 100 m freestyle relay at the 1966 European Aquatics Championships.
- Ulla Håkansson
Ulla Håkansson (born 9 November 1937) is a Swedish equestrian and Olympic medalist.
- Ulla Essendrop
Ulla Essendrop (born 1 December 1976) is a Danish television presenter and sports reporter.
- Ulla Löfvén
Ulla Margareta Löfvén (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈɵ̂lːa lœˈveːn]; née Arvidsson, previously Johansson, born 29 May 1951) is a Swedish politician and trade unionist.
- Ulla Knudsen
Ulla Knudsen (born 21 June 1976) is a Danish footballer who played as a defender for the Denmark women's national football team.
- Ulla Patrikka
Ulla Patrikka (born 10 April 1946) is a Finnish former swimmer.
- Ulla Flegel
Ulla Flegel (born 22 October 1939) is an Austrian athlete.
- Ulla Lundholm
Ulla Lundholm (born 20 February 1957) is a Finnish athlete.
- Ulla Maaskola
Ulla Maaskola (born 5 April 1959) is a Finnish cross-country skier.
- Ulla Preeden
Ulla Preeden (born 29 April 1980) is an Estonian geologist, academic and politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Ulla Numerology: Name Ulla has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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