What does the name Uli mean? What is the meaning of the name Uli
Meaning of Uli: Name Uli in the Belgian, German origin, means A noble leader. Name Uli is of Belgian, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Uli are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Uli (Namesakes)
- Uli Weber
Uli Weber (born 1964) is a photographer best known for his celebrity portraits.
- Uli Maslo
- Uli Edel
Uli Edel (born 11 April 1947) is a German film and television director, best known for his work on films such as Last Exit to Brooklyn and Body of Evidence.
- Uli Kusch
Ulrich Kusch (born 11 March 1967) is a heavy metal drummer and songwriter.
- Uli Jon Roth
Uli Jon Roth (born Ulrich Roth, 18 December 1954) is a German guitarist, who became famous as Scorpions' lead guitarist, and is one of the earliest contributors to the neoclassical metal genre.
- Uli Hoeneß
Ulrich "Uli" Hoeneß (German pronunciation: [ˈuːliː ˈhøːnɛs]; born 5 January 1952), is the former president of German football club Bayern Munich and a retired footballer for West Germany who played as a forward for club and country.
- Uli Schmidt
Ulrich Louis Schmidt (also known as Uli Schmidt) (born 10 July 1961 in Pretoria, South Africa) is a former South African rugby union footballer.
- Uli Stein
Ulrich "Uli" Stein (born 23 October 1954 in Hamburg) is a former German football player.
- Uli Stielike
Ulrich "Uli" Stielike (born 15 November 1954) is a German former footballer who is the head coach of Tianjin Teda FC of China's Super League.
- Uli Herzner
Ulrike "Uli" Herzner (born 23 April 1971) is a fashion designer originally from East Germany, currently living in Miami Beach, Florida.
- Tyler Ulis
Tyler Ulis (born January 5, 1996) is an American professional basketball player who last played for the Stockton Kings of the NBA G League.
- Uli Latukefu
Talia'uli "Uli" Latukefu (born August 2, 1983) is an Australian actor and singer, best known for his role as Byamba in the American Netflix series Marco Polo.
- Uli Egen
Uli Egen (born 24 August 1956) is a German ice hockey player.
- Uli Sutor
Ulrich "Uli" Sutor (born May 9, 1960) is a former German curler and curling coach.
- Uli Grötsch
Uli Grötsch (born 14 July 1975) is a German politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Uli Numerology: Name Uli has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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