What does the name Udo mean? What is the meaning of the name Udo
Meaning of Udo: Name Udo in the German, Swiss, African origin, means One with great fortune.. Name Udo is of German, Swiss, African origin and is a Boy name. People with name Udo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Udo (Namesakes)
- Udo Dirkschneider
Udo Dirkschneider (born 6 April 1952) is a German heavy metal singer who rose to fame with German heavy metal band Accept.
- Udo Lindenberg
Udo Lindenberg (born 17 May 1946 in Gronau) is a German singer, drummer, rock musician and composer.
- Udo Voigt
Udo Voigt (German: [ˈuːdo foːkt]; born 14 April 1952) is a German politician and former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) between 2014 and 2019.
- Udo Kier
Udo Kier (born Udo Kierspe; 14 October 1944) is a German actor and voice actor.
- Udo Zimmermann
Udo Zimmermann (born 6 October 1943) is a German composer, musicologist, opera director and conductor.
- Udo Walendy
Udo Walendy (born 21 January 1927) is a German author, historian, former soldier, and Holocaust denier.
- Udo Horsmann
- Udo Hempel
Udo Hempel (born 3 November 1946) is a retired road and track cyclist from West Germany, who won the gold medal in the Men's 4.000 Team Pursuit at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, alongside Günther Schumacher, Jürgen Colombo, and Günter Haritz.
- Udo Mechels
Udo Mechels, born in Brussels on 10 May 1976, is a Belgian singer commonly known simply as Udo.
- Udo Nwoko
Udochukwu Nwoko (born 15 October 1984) is a Maltese-Nigerian footballer who currently plays for Cypriot Third Division side MEAP Nisou, where he plays as a midfielder.
- Udo Onwere
Udo Alozie Onwere (born 9 November 1971) is an English former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Udo Schwarz
Udo Schwarz (born 7 July 1986) is a German international rugby union player, playing for the SC Neuenheim in the Rugby-Bundesliga and the German national rugby union team.
- Udo Birnbaum
Udo Birnbaum (born 8 February 1937) is an Austrian modern pentathlete and fencer.
- Udo Böckmann
Udo Böckmann (born 15 July 1952) is a retired German football midfielder.
- Udo Samel
Udo Samel (born 25 June 1953) is a German actor.
- Udo Dahmen
Udo Dahmen (born 12 July 1951 in Aachen, Germany) is a drummer, author and CEO of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg.
- Ndifreke Udo
Ndifreke Effiong Udo (born 15 August 1998) is a Nigerian footballer.
- Aniekpeno Udo
Aniekpeno Christopher Udo (born 11 November 1996) is a Nigerian footballer who plays as a forward for Ljungskile SK.
- Yumiko Udo
Yumiko Udo (有働 由美子, Udō Yumiko, born March 22, 1969) is a Japanese journalist, television reporter, television personality, and former NHK Announcer.
- Ikouwem Udo
Ikouwem Udo Utin (born 11 November 1999) is a Nigerian international footballer who plays for Israeli club Maccabi Haifa, as a left back.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Udo Numerology: Name Udo has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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