What does the name Turpin mean? What is the meaning of the name Turpin
Meaning of Turpin: Name Turpin in the Norwegian origin, means God of thunder, rain and farming.. Name Turpin is of Norwegian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Turpin are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Turpin: God of thunder, rain and farming.
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Famous people with name Turpin (Namesakes)
- Will Turpin
William Ross Turpin (born February 8, 1971) is an American musician.
- David H. Turpin
David Howard Turpin (born 14 July 1956) is a Canadian scholar and became the 13th president and vice-chancellor of the University of Alberta in 2015.[1][2] He was formerly the sixth president and vice-chancellor of the University of Victoria from 2000 to 2013.
Turpin is a noted Canadian plant biologist and is the author or co-author of over 100 papers and reviews on the topic of plant photosynthesis, respiration and nitrogen assimilation.
- Ludovic Turpin
Ludovic Turpin (born 22 March 1975 in Laval) is a French professional road racing cyclist, who most recently competed for amateur team Vélo Club Grand Case.
- George Turpin
George Turpin (born 10 January 1952 in Liverpool) is an Olympic medallist and former bantamweight boxer from the United Kingdom.
He won a bronze medal at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
- Franck Turpin
Franck Turpin (born January 27, 1977 in Lille) is a French professional football player.
- Miles Turpin
Miles Turpin is a former linebacker in the National Football League.
- Richard Turpin (cricketer)
Richard Charles Turpin (born 5 May 1967) is an English former cricketer.
- Clément Turpin
Clément Turpin (French pronunciation: [klemɑ̃ tyʁpɛ̃]; born 16 May 1982) is a French football referee.
- James Wesley Turpin
James Wesley Turpin (born December 18, 1927) is an American physician and former-preacher-turned-Baháʼí.
- Jeff Turpin
Jeff Turpin (born May 13, 1960) is a former professional tennis player from the United States.
- James Turpin (cricketer)
James Ross Turpin (born 18 March 1997) is an English cricketer.
- Jake Turpin
- Esther Turpin
Esther Turpin (born 29 April 1996 in Saint-Joseph, Réunion) is a French athlete competing in the combined events.
- William Turpin
William Turpin (born 28 July 1932) is a Rhodesian field hockey player.
- Sam Turpin
Samuel Thomas Turpin (born 2 September 1995), better known as Sam Turpin, is a South African rapper, producer and musical artist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Turpin Numerology: Name Turpin has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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