What does the name Tuomas mean? What is the meaning of the name Tuomas?
Meaning of Tuomas: Name Tuomas in the Finnish origin, means Two babies born at the same time from the same pregnancy.. Name Tuomas is of Finnish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Tuomas are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Tuomas: Two babies born at the same time from the same pregnancy.
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Famous people with name Tuomas (Namesakes)
- Tuomas Holopainen
Tuomas Lauri Johannes Holopainen (born 25 December 1976) is a Finnish songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and record producer, best known as the founder, leader, keyboardist and songwriter of symphonic metal band Nightwish.
- Tuomas Haapala
Tuomas Haapala (born 20 April 1979 in Lahti) is a Finnish ex-footballer who ended his career after 2010.
- Tuomas Sammelvuo
Tuomas Sammelvuo (born 16 February 1976) is a Finnish former professional volleyball player.
- Tuomas Aho
Tuomas Aho (born 27 May 1981) is a retired Finnish footballer.
- Tuomas Nieminen
Tuomas Nieminen (born 16 September 1981) is a Finnish long track speed skater who participates in international competitions.
- Tuomas Enbuske
Tuomas Ville Juhana Enbuske (born 22 September 1977) is a Finnish radio and TV presenter and journalist.
- Tuomas Latikka
Tuomas Latikka (born 20 September 1985) is a Finnish football player currently playing for JJK.
- Gopa
- Tuomas Peltonen
Tuomas Peltonen (born 19 October 1977) is a Finnish football player playing as a goalkeeper for FC Honka.
- Tuomas Huhtanen
Tuomas Huhtanen (born March 16, 1987) is a Finnish professional ice hockey left winger who currently plays for Jokipojat of the Mestis league.
- Tuomas Santavuori
Tuomas Santavuori is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward who currently plays for Ässät of the SM-liiga.
- Tuomas Kiiskinen
Tuomas Kiiskinen (born October 7, 1986) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player who is currently playing for Skellefteå AIK of the Swedish Hockey League (SHL).
- Tuomas Vänttinen
- Tuomas Suominen
Tuomas Suominen (born January 17, 1984) is a Finnish ice hockey player.
- Tuomas Mäkipää
Tuomas Mäkipää is an Anglican clergyman of Finnish Lutheran origin.
- Tuomas Tuokkola
Tuomas Tuokkola (born January 20, 1970) is a Finnish former ice hockey defenceman.
- Tuomas Takala
Tuomas Takala (born October 1, 1984) is a Finnish professional ice hockey player.
- Tuomas Laaksonen
Tuomas Laaksonenu (born 9 March 1990) is a Finnish male Javelin thrower, who won an individual gold medal at the Youth World Championships.
- Tuomas Vartiainen
Tuomas Vartiainen (born May 8, 1996) is a Finnish professional ice hockey right winger currently playing for IPK on loan from KalPa.
- Tuomas Turriago
Tuomas Turriago (born February 18, 1979) is a Finnish composer, pianist and conductor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Tuomas Numerology: Name Tuomas has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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