What does the name Tunde mean? What is the meaning of the name Tunde
Meaning of Tunde: Name Tunde in the Hungarian origin, means A small being or human in form.. Name Tunde is of Hungarian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Tunde are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Tunde: A small being or human in form.
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Famous people with name Tunde (Namesakes)
- Tunde Baiyewu
Tunde Baiyewu (born Emmanuel Babatunde Baiyewu, 25 November 1965) is a British singer of Nigerian descent and is a member of the easy listening duo Lighthouse Family.
- Tunde Jegede
Tunde Jegede (born 28 January 1972) is a composer and multi-instrumentalist in contemporary classical, African and pop music, who was born in England and as a child travelled to Africa to learn the art of the kora.
- Tunde Adebimpe
Babatunde Omoroga Adebimpe (born February 26, 1975) is an American musician, singer-songwriter, actor, director, and visual artist best known as the lead singer of the Brooklyn-based band TV on the Radio.
- Tunde Kelani
Tunde Kelani (born 26 February 1948), popularly known as TK, is a Nigerian filmmaker, storyteller, director, photographer, cinematographer and producer.
- Tunde Adeniji
- Tunde Adegbola
Tunde Adegbola, born 1 August 1955, also known as T. A. or Uncle T, is a scientist, musician, engineer, linguist and culture activist.
- Tunde Eso
Tunde Eso (born 16 August 1977) is a Nigerian journalist, social commentator, public relations specialist and publisher of Findout Newspaper.
- TaharQa and Tunde Ra Aleem
TaharQa Z. Aleem (born February 14, 1946) and Tunde Ra Aleem (February 14, 1946 – August 14, 2014) were formerly known as Albert and Arthur Allen.
- Tunde Adeniran
Tunde Adeniran is a Nigerian scholar, politician, diplomat, and former minister of education.
- Tunde Adeleke
Tunde Adeleke (born July 12, 1995) is a professional Canadian football defensive back for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Canadian Football League (CFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Tunde Numerology: Name Tunde has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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